InnoFoods Gluten-Free Keto Crackers Product Review by Dana Carpender

Gluten Free Keto Crackers Product Review

CarbSmart Product Review of InnoFoods Gluten-Free Keto Crackers

Of all the things people miss when they start eating low-carb/keto, perhaps the biggest gap is crunchy snacks. Sure, we can and do eat nuts, seeds, and pork rinds, but people long for more. (I will confess to potato chips being my personal kryptonite. I rarely buy them, but if I’m at a party and have had a glass or two of wine, I am likely to eat a few potato chips.)

There are some low- or lower-carb chips out there, some better than others. I’ve tried a few, but my options are more limited than some since I also shun gluten. So when I saw Keto Crackers, and gluten-free Keto Crackers at that, at my local Aldi, I figured, “What the heck? Try ‘em.” They cost $4.99 for a 5 oz bag and said they had 7 servings per container. (The bags you can purchase online are $17.25 for a 16 oz bag)

So how are InnoFoods Keto Crackers? That’s an interesting question.

InnoFoods Gluten Free Keto Crackers

From the label: Ingredients: (Organic*) Coconut*, Pumpkin Seeds*, Sunflower Seeds*, Brown Rice Flour*, Tapioca Flour*, Almonds*, Hemp Seeds*, Erythritol*, Inulin* (Blue Agave*), Brown Rice Protein*, Flax Seeds*, Crispy Brown Rice*, Sea Salt, Coconut Butter*, Baking Powder, Nutritional Yeast*, Natural Flavor.

All of those except for the sea salt, baking powder, and natural flavor are organic. Salt and baking powder, being chemicals rather than something that is grown, cannot be organic. There’s no way to know what the “natural flavor” consists of.

As you can see, these are not for anyone with an allergy to tree nuts. Too, they are not grain-free, what with brown rice flour, brown rice protein, and crispy brown rice. I also wonder about tapioca. Many paleo dieters have decided that tapioca is paleo. I can’t see this. Tapioca is from cassava root and must be processed to remove toxins. According to Wikipedia, “It must be properly prepared before consumption, as improper preparation of cassava can leave enough residual cyanide to cause acute cyanide intoxication, goiters, and even ataxia, partial paralysis, or death.” That sounds like something your average hunter-gatherer would have avoided. It is also a starch, aka carb.

InnoFoods Gluten-Free Keto Crackers Serving Size

InnoFoods Gluten Free Keto Crackers
The label states that there are five Keto Crackers in a serving. I find this strains credulity; the crackers are about the size of Wheat Thins – roughly an inch square – and I’m guessing most people would eat more than five at a time (Nabisco says that a serving of Wheat Thins is 15 pieces). If you stick to the serving size, you will get:

  • 100 calories
  • 7g of fat
  • 3 of them saturated
  • 0g cholesterol
  • 170 mg sodium
  • 7g total carbs
  • 2g fiber
  • 0g sugars
  • 1g sugar alcohol (erythritol) and
  • 3g protein

You’ll also get 2% of your daily value of potassium.

Since they’re (relatively) low-carb, organic, gluten-free, and even vegan, these have the virtue of being a snack that people of varying dietary persuasions can agree upon. If food is a contentious issue in some circles in which you run, these may help. They are not suited for those allergic to tree nuts.

All of which is meaningless if they’re icky.

So how do Keto Crackers taste?

Overall, I like them. The flavor and texture are good; they offer a satisfying crunch. I do find crackers redolent of coconut to be a bit surprising, but there are so many flavors in there that the coconut flavor is balanced with the rest. There are good-sized bits of the various seeds, which also add to the texture. I enjoyed them.

Dana’s Blood Sugar Results Eating InnoFoods Gluten-Free Keto Crackers

Which makes me regret having to tell you this next part. This morning, after a couple of cups of tea, but still in a fasted state, I took my blood sugar. At 11:35 am, it was 96. I ate my five crackers, really wishing for more food, but hey, it’s the job. I then took my blood sugar every fifteen minutes or so. Here are the results:


Blood Sugar


11:35 am


Starting blood sugar level

11:55 am


20 minutes later

12:11 pm


30 minutes later

12:27 pm


Almost an hour later

12:41 pm


Just over an hour later

1:24 pm


End of fast

I then went to make some more substantial fare. It took me long enough that when 1:24 rolled around, I was still fasting, so I took my blood sugar again. It was 120.

Those are not horrific numbers, but that’s quite the blood sugar swing for eating five little crackers that are supposed to have just four grams net carbs among them.

I won’t be buying Keto Crackers a second time, though, again, I enjoyed them. With a blood sugar curve that raised my eyebrows, and at $5 for thirty-five crackers, I can find other sources of crunch, thanks.

InnoFoods Gluten Free Keto Crackers
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InnoFoods Gluten-Free Keto Crackers Nutrition Facts

  • Serving Size 5 crackers (20g)
  • Servings Per Container 23
  • Calories 100
  • Total Fat 7g
  •   Saturated Fat 3g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 170mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 7g*
  •   Dietary Fiber 2g*
  •   Sugars 0g
  •   Sugar Alcohol 1g*
  • Protein 3g

Ingredients: (Organic*) Coconut*, Pumpkin Seeds*, Sunflower Seeds*, Brown Rice Flour*, Tapioca Flour*, Almonds*, Hemp Seeds*, Erythritol*, Inulin* (Blue Agave*), Brown Rice Protein*, Flax Seeds*, Crispy Brown Rice*, Sea Salt, Coconut Butter*, Baking Powder, Nutritional Yeast*, Natural Flavor.

Contains coconuts, almonds.

*Net Carbs as listed by the manufacturer on the package = 4g per serving.

Packed in a facility that uses tree nuts.

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One comment

  1. Love this recipe! Thanks