How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds by Dana Carpender (Revised and Expanded Edition)

How I Gave Up my Low Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds
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by Dana Carpender


312 pages

Fair Winds Press

This book is a breezy, chatty, non-technical, fun-to-read explanation of low carbohydrate dieting why it works, the surprising health benefits, and most importantly, how to approach low carb dieting.The book details three very different main approaches to controlling carbohydrates (including the Basic Low Carb Diet, similar to Atkins or Protien Power, and the Mini-Binge Diet, popularized as the Carbohydrate Addict?s Diet), plus several variations, finally summing up the basic principles which tie them all together. The point is to give the reader the tools necessary to construct a new way of eating that will fit his or her body, psyche, and lifestyle, thus allowing them to stay slim, energetic, and healthy for life. Dana Carpender is the author of 500 Low Carb Recipes and 15 Minute Low Carb Recipes. Dana is the Managing Editor of and lives in Bloomington IN.

How I Gave Up my Low Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds
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