Now Available in Paperback, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, iTunes iBookstore, Google Play, Kobo, and Downloadable PDF. |
Jump-Start Your Low Carb Weight Loss with CarbSmart’s Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, and Rebecca Latham!
- Are you having trouble losing weight, even on the Atkins Induction phase?
- Have you lost weight successfully on low-carb, but hit a plateau or started to regain weight even though you’re still following your low-carb diet?
- Are you looking for a way to add more healthy fat to your low-carb diet?
- Are you interested in jump-starting your weight loss the low-carb way?
If you suspect you’ve been doing something wrong, we’ve got your solution.
The Fat Fast and Nutritional Ketosis.
Your Weight Loss Stall Is Not Your Fault
For years you’ve been told that eating fat makes you fat and that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Anyone who understands the science of Low Carb dieting knows this is just not true. Prepare to have your mind blown!
Who would have thought that the fastest way to lose fat – while maintaining muscle mass – was to eat mostly fat?!
The Fat Fast, developed by Dr. Atkins – 1000 calories per day, 90% from pure fat – resulted in average fat loss – not just weight loss, but fat loss – of over a pound per day! It’s a radical, short-term strategy, but boy, does it work.
The two hottest topics these days at are breaking a weight loss stall and getting your body into the fat-burning mode called Nutritional Ketosis. The Fat Fast Cookbook addresses both of these issues with 50 fabulous low-carb, high-fat recipes that can help you break your weight loss stall or help your body become keto-adapted, catapulting you into Nutritional Ketosis. It does this with 50 great recipes to help you implement the Fat Fast.
Break Your Weight Loss Stall with the Fat Fast
Popularized by Dr. Robert Atkins in his book Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, the Fat Fast is the most powerful tool for getting metabolically resistant low carb dieters back into Nutritional Ketosis and restarting their low carb weight loss.
Restart Your Low Carb Weight Loss With Nutritional Ketosis
Nutritional Ketosis is a metabolic state in which we use stored body fat for energy. The Fat Fast helps low carbers break weight loss plateaus and rapidly get back to burning fat for fuel when they have gone off plan.
You’re Probably Eating Too Much Protein and Not Enough Fat
Recent research regarding low carb diet stalls reveals that many low carb dieters replace carbohydrates with too much protein – which can turn to glucose in a metabolically damaged body. It’s time to stop thinking of your low carb lifestyle as Low Carb / High Protein, and start thinking of it as Low Carb / High Fat. By eating less protein and more fat, you can trigger Nutritional Ketosis, jump-starting a stalled weight loss plan. But you need Fat Fast recipes to help you with your low carb weight loss stall.
Purchase the Fat Fast Cookbook
Fat Fast Recipes Will Help You Restart Your Low Carb Weight Loss
CarbSmart, your trusted guide to the low carb lifestyle, is proud to introduce the Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender with Amy Dungan and Rebecca Latham, published by CarbSmart Press. This paperback book or eBook contains 50 easy Low-Carb / High-Fat recipes to jump start your weight loss or get you into nutritional ketosis using the Fat Fast as developed by Dr. Atkins in his history-changing book Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution.
That’s why we’ve created the best Low-Carb / High-Fat cookbook to help you achieve the best results. Fat Fast Cookbook is a collection of healthy Low-Carb / High-Fat recipes created by best-selling author Dana Carpender with contributions by Amy Dungan of Healthy Low Carb Living (, and Rebecca Latham of My Low Carb Road to Better Health (, with photography by Amy Dungan and the CarbSmart staff.
In this comprehensive eBook now available on Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, & downloadable eBook; and coming soon to other eBook platforms, you’ll find background information about the benefits of the Fat Fast and Nutritional Ketosis as well as 50 great tasting, quick and easy Low-Carb / High-Fat recipes arranged by percentage of fat.
Here’s What You’ll Get In The Fat Fast Cookbook
50 Delicious Low-Carb / High-Fat Recipes:
These quick and easy-to-prepare recipes are written by Dana Carpender, Managing Editor of CarbSmart and author of 500 Paleo Recipes with contributions by low carb bloggers Amy Dungan and Rebecca Latham.
The Science Behind the Fat Fast:
Dana Carpender explains the science of the Fat Fast, it’s history and why and how it works.
Using the Fat Fast in Your Low Carb Lifestyle:
The Fat Fast is a short-term tool for jump-starting your low carb weight loss. Dana details strategies for incorporating the Fat Fast into your long-term Low-Carb diet plans.
Easy to Find Ingredients For Your Fat Fast Recipes:
We include a list of easy-to-find foods and ingredients you’ll need for your Fat Fast recipes whether you purchase them in your local supermarket or online.
What Is Nutritional Ketosis and Why is It Important:
Our Low-Carb Diet experts describe what Nutritional Ketosis is, how it works and how it helps jump-start your low-carb weight loss to lose the pounds!
Glossary and Other Resources:
A glossary of low carb terms and concepts are included plus other resources to help you do the Fat Fast and Nutritional Ketosis and succeed at your low-carb lifestyle.
Now Available in Paperback, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, iTunes iBookstore, Google Play, Kobo, and Downloadable PDF. |
A sample of the quick and easy-to-prepare
Low Carb / High Fat recipes

- Boursin Stuffed Mushrooms
- Yogurt Parfait
- Jalapeno Poppers
- Fettuccine with Pancetta Cream
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Bombs
- Fat Fast Mac-and-Cheese
- Mocha Mascarpone Mousse
- French Vanilla Iced Coffee
- Coconut Flax Bread
- Sweet-and-Tangy Macaroni Salad
- Coco Cocoa Fat Bombs
- Butter-Roasted Pecans
- Asparagus with Wasabi Mayonnaise
- Curried Coconut Cream of Chicken Soup
- Salmon Bisque
- Kevlar Coffee
Other Uses For Fat Fast Cookbook
But these recipes are not only useful for Fat Fasting. If you’re on a ketogenic diet, whether for weight loss, sports performance, seizure control, cancer therapy, or just because it makes you feel good, you’ve just found dozens of delicious new low-carb / high-fat options!
Fat Fast Cookbook Available Now!
The Fat Fast Cookbook has been released.
Now Available in Paperback, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, iTunes iBookstore, Google Play, Kobo, and Downloadable PDF. |
Purchase the Fat Fast Cookbook Now
Check Out All Are Fat Fast Articles & Recipes:
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why is it taking so long to publish this book?
January is already over,are there some technical difficulties?
It’s out! It’s out! It’s available on Kindle, Nook and PDF. And while there were some technical difficulties, the biggest ones were 1) this is the first time we’ve done this, and 2) there were only a few of us working on it, and we all have other jobs.
Is this cookbook out yet? I need it! Help!
Brandee, we are within about 3 days…
Yesssss! Thank You 🙂
Thank Goodness…I’ve been waiting and waiting! God Bless….
The Fat Fast Cookbook is AMAZING! We’ve been going over and over it. It’s good to see so many recipes that are not sweets. It’s given our family great ideas on how to continue to increase our fat consumption. I’ve stalled in the weight loss department and am looking forward to doing a few days of the Fat Fast. Thank you for this inspiring book.
Yay! Thanks for buying it, and we’re so pleased you like it. I know I get tired of sweets all the time, so I figured others would feel the same way. (Back in the ’80s there was a fad for diet shakes — The Cambridge Diet and the like — and my reaction was always “Geez, something sweet for every meal?”)
Hope it helps!
*shudder* The mere mention of The Cambridge Diet made my neck hairs stand up and my stomach lurch! Laws! Talk about visceral responses!
I have bought the book and its amazing! It’s day 1 for me on the Fat Fast. I’m in the middle of preapring to bake the coconut flax bread and have noticed that the recipe asks for 1 tbsp of xanthan gum. Is this correct? I’m a bit concerned, as I went and checked Low Carbing aming Friends Vol1 and all recipes use 1/2 to maximum 1 tsp of xanthan gum. If anyone has tried this bread, can please let me know.
Hi, it’s Dana — and yes, I use a whole tablespoon of xanthan in the bread. Makes it hold together instead of crumbling.
Thanks Dana
I did end up using the whole tablespoon. In fact I have made it twice, the first time I used coconut flour instead of shredded coconut-big mistake, the dough was like a brick, had to throw the whole lot out. The second time around used all the right ingredients, the bread rose beautifully, and had thick crust. When I went to cut it after cooling completely, I found the centre had not cooked, so I cut it in slices and put them back in the oven to dry. It tastes really good. I’m not going to give, hopefully it will be third time lucky. Just a quick question, do I grind the shredded coconut & flax meal till coconut butter consistency (thats what i did the second time) or stop when it turns into a fine meal. Thanks for your help
Hi Dana I bought your book Fat Fast Cookbook off Amazon paid through Pal Pal but Kindle will not let me bring it up would you please e-mail it to me bought the book within the pass 2 weeksThanks Julie
Julie, I don’t handle the business stuff, but I’ll let Andrew know there’s a problem. And thanks for buying our book!
Hi there. I’ve just read the intro from my Kindle edition. I noticed that the author seems to revisit fat-fasting every so often. Assuming you reach your target weight (after breaking the stall with fat fasting) would there ever be a need to revisit it? Are pounds lost via fat-fasting easier to regain? Certainly, I seem more sensitive to carbs when re-introducing them, so I wonder if fat-fasting might have the same sensitivities or perhaps even moreso, or can one just reach a newer, but lower, plateau of weight loss once coming off the fast? Does this question make sense? Thanks!
BOUGHT THE BOOK FOLLOWED THE RECIPES kept calories to the 1000 mark…the strips turned purple I only lost 2 pounds….ugh!!!!
I did the fat fast and lost 2.6 lbs and gained back 1.6 of it in a month. Did it again and lost 1.6 lbs. What am I doing wrong? It is not “jumpstarting” my weight loss 🙁
Are you continuing to eat very low carb when you’re done Fat Fasting? More food, of course, but very low carb/moderate protein/high fat?
Yes, I’m following the “new Atkins for a new you” diet. I lost 15 lbs the first month and that’s all. The bad part is that I have been doing it for almost 4 months and have lost nothing the last 3 months. My sister is also following the plan and has had the same results as me.
I just purchased the book. Where in the book does it talk about How to do the Fat Fast while on the HCG Diet?
The Fat Fast and HCG article is on this web site at:
Bought Fat Fast Cookbook and received it today from Amazon. I’ve reading it all day. I have been doing low carb for a few weeks, but didn’t know where to turn except meat and more meat. Reading this book… I feel I can do it better by using the book. A wonderful Godsend, Thank you.
I am glad the book is helping!
Keep up the good work.
So, I know it’s been a long time since someone commented here, but I just found this site.
I’m confused. How can there be pasta recipes in a fat fast/low carb cookbook?
The secret is not normal pasta, it is Shirataki pasta/noodles.
Shirataki noodles are the latest low-carb super food:
You can read more at our Shirataki Noodles page.