Flax Z Snax No Sugar Added Granola


Dear Valued Customer,

As one of the leading online retailers of Low Carb products, the accuracy of the nutritional facts and ingredients listed on each of the products we sell is very important to us. The success of a low carb dieter or a person with diabetes, is dependent upon the foods that we eat.

We recently began receiving emails and phone calls from our customers questioning the accuracy of one of the product lines we sell, the Flax Z Snax No Sugar Added products by Totally Supreme. Because we heard these concerns from multiple sources, we decided we had to see for ourselves. We contracted with an independent testing facility to test 2 of the 5 flavors of Granola, Blueberry Crunch and Cranberry as well as one flavor of the hot cereal, Strawberries & Cream. These tests were conducted on 3/23/2010.

Blueberry Flax-Z-Snax Granola
Label Lab Results
Calories 177 230
Total Carbs 18g 19g
Dietary Fiber 11g 5g
Sugars 1g 2g
Sugar Alcohol 6g 4g
Net Carbs 1g 10g a difference of 9g net carbs
Cranberry Mac Flax-Z-Snax Granola
Label Lab Results
Calories 190 240
Total Carbs 13g 18g
Dietary Fiber 4g 5g
Sugars 1g 2g
Sugar Alcohol 7g 4g
Net Carbs 2g 9g a difference of 7g net carbs
Strawberries & Cream Flax-Z-Snax Hot Cereal
Label Lab Results
Calories 132 170
Total Carbs 14g 18g
Dietary Fiber 12g 11g
Sugars 0g 2g
Sugar Alcohol 0g 0g
Net Carbs 2g 7g a difference of 5g net carbs

Unfortunately in looking at the lab results from this company, it is apparent that the variation from the label for their calories and net carb counts is so great that we have voluntarily decided to stop selling this product line and all other products made by Totally Supreme. We can not in good conscience continue to sell any of these products.

If we do decide to sell anything from this manufacturer again, it will only be under the condition that they submit a lab test from an independent testing facility for every batch they create.

Although the products made by Totally Supreme are very popular and sold very well, we can not in good conscience continue to sell their products at this time. We hope you understand.

Instead, we suggest you try the
Sugar-Free line of granolas and hot cereals by Sensato Foods.

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ENCORE: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23

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