Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook: Real Food for Real Life

Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook by Sarah Fragoso
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by Sarah Fragoso


224 pages

After the runaway success of her book, Everyday Paleo, Sarah Fragoso knew she had to follow it up with a cook book that continued the healthy Paleo message with recipes perfect for the whole family. When she announced the release of the cook book on her blog she wrote:

“The Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook offers guidance on how to bring your family together with the magic of real food. As modern life grows more hectic with each passing day, a part of living the paleo lifestyle is slowing down and enjoying the time we have with family and friends. This cookbook is intended to remind us of how precious these moments are, and that some of the fondest memories can be made while sitting at the dinner table with the ones we love. Savoring these moments, along with delicious and healthful food, is what life is all about.”

In addition to more than eighty delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes that are free of grains, dairy, sugar, and legumes, The Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook by Sarah Fragoso offers:

  • Time saving tips and tricks to get you through your busy weeks
  • Suggestions of which recipes to pair together to made a complete meal
  • Ideas for how to successfully bring the family together at mealtime
  • Simple shopping and prepping tips to help you save time and money
  • Resources for where to shop to find specific ingredients

Sarah Fragoso, bestselling author of Everyday Paleo, has a strong passion for helping others acclimate and succeed on the Paleo diet and has done so globally with her extremely successful Paleo recipe and advice blog. Fragoso is a certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer, as well as a highly sought after strength and conditioning coach at Norcal Strength and Conditioning, one of America’s top 30 gyms as rated by Men’s Health Magazine. Fragoso is at the forefront of the Paleo movement and the leader in successfully helping families live Paleo. Visit Everyday Paleo website by Sarah Fragoso: www.everydaypaleo.com.

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