Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right for National Nutrition Month 2014

National Nutrition Month 2014

“Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right” is the theme for National Nutrition Month® March, 2014. As reported by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, consumer research confirms that taste tops nutrition as the main reason why one food is purchased over another. While social, emotional and health factors also play a role, the foods people enjoy are likely the ones they eat most.
This as we all know in the controlled carbohydrate world can be a recipe for an extended waist band, poor health markers and addiction. Most of us have crawled out of this “eating for taste rather than nutrition” state so how do we swap the plates in the family and convince teen and adult family members that eating for health can taste as good as our low nutritive counter parts?

As we begin a new-year working diligently to establish new dietary habits for our families, we are faced again with the challenges of spring holidays, celebrations and religious practices. Easter, Passover and St. Patrick’s Day are knocking on our doors with too many temptations and potentially not enough tools to handle them with grace and diligence. Planning ahead and sticking to your plan is imperative. 14 years later and I still have this little nagging need to purchase my kids their old favorites. It takes strength to ignore those food related “love heart tugs” but I choose tangible gifts instead.
We must be strong in our resolve to maintain not only sustained weight loss but improved health as well.

Gift Giving

Choosing tangible gifts over large amounts and varieties of food is a great first step if we are giving gifts in an Easter basket or during Passover. Consider such gifts as a couple of favorite quality ingredient treats and an iTunes gift card, stuffed animal, spring toys like hula hoops and balls, yo-yo or unique brain twist or challenge games.

Take a second look at video games or further reasons to hibernate inside without the use of imagination. A child who is not active will be more likely to turn to food out of boredom and the food they turn to is generally that that encourages metabolic damage. Get creative and help your kids to see the merit in useful, educational games and toys.

If you practice Lent, decide as a family what you might for-go for this 6 week period. Fast food restaurants, soda, boxed breakfast cereal, etc. This should be a commitment that you know all can adjust to relatively easily. It might put a bit of extra work on your shoulders but if the family members are old enough, assign meal ideas or even meal preparation so that the burden of this change does not fall strictly on you. My best advice is to choose something that you would like to see discontinued from the family diet permanently. In 6 weeks, it will be much easier for you to maintain this new change.

Should you choose to remain faithful to your traditions that might not align with your current dietary style and choices, it’s not as much the act of indulgence rather it’s the manner in which you return to a healthful style of eating. When I say the manner in which you return, I mean getting right back on plan with either the next meal or the first meal of the following day. If this seems overwhelming, it’s not the best choice of plans for you.

If you are a carbohydrate addict, know thyself and try to remain on plan locating plenty of recipes that will satisfy your taste buds and prevent you from spiraling only to spend the remainder of the summer depressed while trying to purchase a new bathing suit. You know who you are and it takes great strength to make this decision.

I have several clients who have such dysregulated blood sugar that just one bite will send them into a spiral. In this case, it’s a good idea to look for recipes that will maintain blood sugar regulation.

Corned Beef and Cabbage

St Patrick’s Day taunts us as a food and drink fest. This one is easy as long as you don’t over indulge in sweet drinks and beer. Celebrate with your favorite corned beef and cabbage recipe and for those of you forgoing the potatoes, add turnips and cauliflower to your recipe instead. If you plan to drink on that day, use extra butter to prime the liver for additional protection from the assault and try to do as little drinking as possible on an empty stomach.

Personally, I’m a lover of just corned beef and cabbage (http://free-healthy-diet-plans.com/corned-beef-and-cabbage.html )so the tasteless white matter of the potato is generally not missed. I have an easy recipe for your slow cooker here. Don’t be afraid of the carrots they are a great food unless of course they affect your blood sugar negatively.

My chocolate mousse is a decadent recipe that has saved me many times during celebrations and I have passed it off on my SAD friends and family members without notice.

We now have just a couple of months to plan for summer. Will this be the last spring you loathe purchasing a bathing suit? I hope your efforts have proven successful but most importantly, I hope CarbSmart has helped you get just a bit closer to your goal of decreased weight, increased energy and marked health improvement.

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