HOLIDAY SALE ENDS SOON - HALF PRICE CarbSmart Low-Carb Cookbook Bundle, 5 Paperback Books, Hundreds of Low-Carb Recipes

HOLIDAY SALE ENDS SOON - HALF PRICE CarbSmart Low-Carb Cookbook Bundle, 5 Paperback Books, Hundreds of Low-Carb Recipes


Eat An Extra Low Carb Dessert For Eat An Extra Dessert Day

CarbSmart Espresso Chocolate Chip Brownies

I love holidays. Even “fake” holidays. The only difference between a real holiday and a fake holiday is if and how you decide to celebrate it.

According to the Hallmark Channel Ultimate Holiday Site, today is Eat an Extra Dessert Day. Now this is a holiday I think we can all get behind – if we choose an extra low carb dessert.

Now personally I am not a big dessert fan even if it is a low carb dessert. But since I decided to celebrate today, then it will be Eat an Extra Low Carb Dessert Day.

There are three ways to go here. You can choose a pre-made dessert, a packaged, easy-to-make low carb dessert or you can make something from scratch.

Here are my choices for today:

A pre-made or packaged low carb dessert
Unless you live in a large city or you have a bakery you know and trust who makes real sugar free desserts with real ingredients, then this is probably not going to happen today. My local Raley’s Supermarket has a selection of “sugar free” desserts including sugar free cheesecakes but the ingredients are crap. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and bleached whole wheat flour may technically be “sugar free” but they are not safe ingredients for the low carb dieter.

An easy-to-make low carb dessert mix
When was also an online store, we sold a lot of low carb dessert mixes. The trade off was an important one that all low carb dieters have to make – do I choose a packaged mix that probably has some ingredients that are OK for a low carb dieter but not necessarily the best, or do I make something from scratch?

This is a legitimate question. As we become healthier on the low carb lifestyle, I believe using packaged mixes in the beginning of our low carb journey is OK but as we transition to a healthier eating plan like the Paleo diet, then we start to ween ourselves off of them. There are times where we don’t have enough time to make something from scratch or we are OK with occasionally using a low carb dessert mix for convenience so if this is what you choose today, it’s totally OK.

Some of my favorite low carb dessert mixes are:

Blueberry Cream Muffin Mix by Dixie Carb CountersDixie Carb Counters Low Carb Blueberry Cream Muffin Mix
The Dixie Carb Counters Low Carb Blueberry Cream Muffin Mix by Dixie Diner was always one of our most popular sellers and one of the best tasting mixes they make. THe mix is easy to make and has pretty good ingredients with no artificial sweeteners.

Doctor's Carbrite Diet - Chocolate Chip Brownie Mix, Sugar FreeDoctor’s CarbRite Diet Sugar Free Chocolate Chip Brownie Mix
The Doctor’s CarbRite Diet Sugar Free Chocolate Chip Brownie Mix by Universal Nutrition is another one of my favorite mixes. The ingredients are not as clean as the Dixie Carb Counters ingredients but if you are itching to have some chocolate brownies and you don’t mind the maltitol (or what the maltitol will do to you) then this is the mix for you.

Some of my favorite low carb dessert recipes:

Cinnamon Spice Pork Rind Cake Recipe by Dana Carpender
Dana Carpender loves pork rinds (who doesn’t?). In looking through the Dana recipe archives, I found the Cinnamon Spice Pork Rind Cake Recipe. We all know that pork rinds are not egregious junk food, but actually the most nutritious thing in the snack aisle. Surprise yourself and your loved ones with this awesome full-fat recipe.

Dana Carpender’s CarbSmart Chocolate Chip Cookie RecipeDana Carpender’s CarbSmart Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Made with Nevada Manna Sugar Free Chocolate Chip
Although this suggestion is definitely self-serving (FULL DISCLOSURE: CarbSmart is the manufacturer of the Nevada Manna Sugar Free Chocolate Chips) it still doesn’t change the fact that this is an awesome recipe. Dana created the CarbSmart Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe to be as low carb as possible using great alternative flours like almond flour and vanilla whey protein powder. The recipe is even on the Nevada Manna Chocolate Chips bag. If I’m going to consider a low carb dessert then I’m going to consider a sugar free chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Some of Dana’s other recipes using Nevada Manna Sugar Free Chocolate Chips:

So what have I decided to make for Eat an Extra Low Carb Dessert Day? I’m going to start with a Dixie Carb Counters Low Carb Blueberry Cream Muffin and finish with a CarbSmart Sugar Free Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Will anyone be mad at me if I had one or two extra cookies today?

How will you celebrate Eat an Extra Low Carb Dessert Day?

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