Ultimate Simplicity Strawberries

* Exported from MasterCook *

Recipe By : Di Bauer, CarbSmart Editor

Serving Size : 6

Preparation Method

  • 3 cups fresh strawberries — cleaned, hulled, and quartered
  • 4 tablespoons sugar free DaVinci orange or raspberry syrup

Place the cleaned, quartered strawberries in a bowl with a tight-fitting lid. Pour the sugar free DaVinci syrup over the strawberries. Put the lid on and give the bowl a gentle shake to coat all the berries with syrup. Let the strawberries marinate in the syrup and in the refrigerator at least one hour before serving.

Leftovers will keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Serve in dessert bowls. You may garnish the strawberries with artificially sweetened whipped cream if you wish, but it’s not really necessary.

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Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 22 Calories; trace Fat (9.0% calories from fat); trace Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 1mg Sodium. Exchanges: 1/2 Fruit.

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