Delilah’s Mirror

Welcome to Delilah’s Mirror! I’ve used the low carb life to shed nearly 150 pounds, and while I’m not at goal, I’d like to share my story. I have discovered in my online low carb travels and in talking to people who are overweight, that my story is quite the norm and not even close to an exception.

I am convinced that it must be easier to be a plain-faced woman on a heavy body than a not-plain-faced woman on a heavy body. “But you have such a *beautiful* face…” say the old women with the sad voices. I know you know what I’m talking about.

I am on a quest to be a beautiful woman, and most of that involves losing weight. My goal: To stand in front of a mirror nekkid and turn myself on.

Welcome to my saga.


Delilah’s Mirror Episode 1: Welcome To My World

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 2: The Truth About Body Image And Low Fat Diets

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 3: An Ephiphany

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 4: Who Stole My Brownies

Delilah’s Mirror: Sour Notes

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 5: Our Capacity For Pain and Fear

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 6: There Ain’t No Easy Way!

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 7: Delilah The Inner Slut

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 8: Emotional Orgasms

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 9: The AA Moral Inventory As It Pertains To Weight Loss

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 10: Delilah The Inner Slut Part II

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 11: Hypoglycemia

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 12: But If I’m Not Fat, Who Am I?

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 13: Chicken Mary’s

Time Now For Commercial Break #1 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… So… What Happens When You Lose Your Motivation? Part I

Time Now For Commercial Break #2 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Tattooist’s

Time Now For Commercial Break #3 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… So… What Happens When you Lose Your Motivation? Part II

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 14: Sometimes It Just Ain’t Gonna Be Pretty

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 15: Delilah Gets Married

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 16: New Beginnings

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 17: I Have To Quit Eating What?!?!?!?

Delilah’s Mirror Episode 18: Hotel California

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ENCORE: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23

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