You’re Invited To Dana Carpender’s Low Carb Meet & Greet July 20, 2013

Dana Carpender

It’s that time of year again…time for Dana Carpender’s 4th Annual Low Carb Meet & Greet in Bloomington, IN!

The Fourth Annual Low Carb Meet & Greet will be on Saturday, July 20th, from 1-5 pm. Dana will be cooking a ton of low carb food – Dana’s famous ribs, a variety of salads, low carb cookies, snacks, and so much more.

And you’ll hang out with some of the nicest people in the low carb community including:

  • Dana Carpender
  • “That Nice Boy She Married”
  • Andrew DiMino, Publisher of CarbSmart Magazine
  • Keith Johnson, Dana’s next door neighbor and publisher of Permaculture Activist Magazine, CarbSmart Magazine columnist and all-around lovable guy.
  • Many friends from the low carb community
  • AND YOU! We want you there too!

Once again, Dana will have to cap the event at 50 attendees, so if you’re coming, sign up NOW! And once again, we’re asking for a $5 donation to help defray the cost of food.

So if you’re anywhere near Indiana, or not near Indiana, but don’t mind a road trip (we have folks who come from Texas!), put the Fourth Annual Low Carb Meet & Greet on your calendar.

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Refusing Holiday Food & Staying Low-Carb

ENCORE: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23

CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb can be tough at first but you can do it to avoid the Food Pushers. The holidays are straight ahead, and with them piles and piles of carby junk, and worse, people nagging you to eat the stuff. Why so many people think that saying things like "But you have to eat it! It's traditional!" and "I worked all afternoon making it just for you" constitutes an expression of holiday goodwill, I have no idea, but sadly this behavior is all too common. You need to think ahead about how to respond to this sort of thing.