Dana Carpender’s Keto Fat Gram Counter: The Quick-Reference Guide

Written by Andrew DiMino Nov 6, 2019, Updated August 15, 2021

Dana Carpender's Keto Fat Gram Counter

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A Keto Fat Counter from Dana Carpender

Need help figuring out what you can and can’t eat on your keto diet?

“Low-Carb Queen” Dana Carpender takes the guesswork out of knowing which foods are on or off the table with this handy little guide called Dana Carpender’s Keto Fat Gram Counter.

This book includes a comprehensive directory of total fat, carbs, protein, fiber, and calorie amounts for countless types of food—from meat, fruits, and vegetables to popular packaged and restaurant foods.

Dana Carpender's Keto Fat Gram Counter

Also included are the best keto/low-carb tips from the Low-Carb Queen herself.

This is a perfect quick reference to help you balance your macronutrients for a successful keto/low-carb/intermittent fasting lifestyle.

Grab this little book and carry it in your purse, pocket, or briefcase and you’ll never struggle to stay keto.

Find Hundreds of FREE recipes and articles by Dana Carpender on CarbSmart.

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