Dana Carpender’s 500 Paleo Recipes Now Available

Dana Carpender's 500 Paleo Recipes
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Dana Carpender, Managing Editor of CarbSmart.comDana Carpender’s 500 Paleo Recipes: Hundreds of Delicious Recipes for Weight Loss and Super Health is now on sale at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

This is an important book because it bridges the gap between Dana’s thousands of low carb recipes over her many low carb cookbooks and the latest research and advice from the growing paleo diet community.

I asked Dana a few questions about the process of creating the 500 Paleo Recipes cookbook:

Andrew: What is the difference between writing a low carb cookbook and a paleo cookbook?

Dana: The biggest change was the omission of dairy products. I confess, I am of the unshakeable opinion that butter and cheese make everything taste better. However, I am from English and Dutch stock, two peoples with a very long history of dairying. If anyone is genetically equipped to deal well with dairy products, I am. But many folks are discovering they do better without them especially when on a paleo diet, and I’ve certainly published a lot of recipes using dairy products, so it was time to learn to work without them, and develop recipes for those who are passing it up. The Primal folks – “primal” being Mark Sisson’s term for his diet, which is largely paleo-with-high-quality-dairy – can certainly feel free to add them to the recipes.

Andrew: What is something new that you learned about cooking/health/healthy eating from writing this book?

Dana: Writing this book coincided with my discovery that I do best on a very low carb, very high fat diet, with somewhat less protein than I’d previously eaten. I had blood work done shortly after finishing the book, and I apparently am bullet-proof. Most importantly, my blood sugar improved substantially while I dropped two hypoglycemic medications. My body really, really likes a high fat diet.

Andrew: Do you have any new favorite ingredients?

Dana: I now know about 347 new things to do with coconut milk. 😀 Including making yogurt (Cocoyo) and sour “cream.” I’ve also gotten adept at using liquid stevia extract. Oh, and pasture-raised, organic lard. Beautiful stuff. I encourage everyone to find a local small farmer and buy a bucket.

From the back cover:

At last, here is a comprehensive cookbook to the hottest eating plan around! The Paleo Diet — known in some circles as the “Caveman Diet” — is an eating plan based on evolutionary biology and backed up by medical research. Unlike other diets which can incorporate fake, processed foods and artificial sweeteners, the Paleo diet is based on what our ancestors ate: meats and fish, nuts and seeds, and naturally grown fruits and vegetables. Low carb queen and bestselling author Dana Carpender shows how to stay the Paleo diet course deliciously with 500 easy-to-prepare recipes for everything Paleo from appetizers, to main dishes, to desserts.

Best-selling author Dana Carpender was startled to discover that limiting her carbohydrate intake not only helped her control her weight, but produced the health and vitality a low fat diet had promised but never delivered. Years later, she laughs at people who say “You can’t eat that way long-term.” Her cookbooks are the result of her realization that the key to permanent dietary change is the answer to the age-old question, “What’s for supper?” To date they have sold over a million copies worldwide. Dana blogs about low carb and paleo diet nutrition at http://www.HoldtheToast.com; her weekly blog digest goes out to over 20,000 readers. She is also Managing Editor of CarbSmart Magazine at https://www.carbsmart.com, as well as a featured staff writer. Dana lives in Bloomington, IN with her husband and a menagerie of pets, all of whom are well and healthily fed.

Other Cookbooks by Dana Carpender:

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