
Maître D’ Hotel Butter (Compound Butter) Recipe

Maître d’ Hotel Butter, otherwise known as Compound Butter or Chef Butter, are all names for a blend of butter and herbs served with meats and seafood. Make ½‑1 pound at a time, then wrap in parchment paper logs and freeze in zip lock bags until you need it next!


Units Scale
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest
  • 1/4 cup parsley, fresh
  • 1/8 cup chives, fresh
  • 1 pound unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • Per Serving: 102 Calories; 12g Fat (99.0% calories from fat); trace Protein; .094g Carbohydrate; .03g Dietary Fiber; .064g Net Carbohydrate.
  • Serving Ideas
  • Serve with steaks and meats, seafood, and even veggies!
  • This is a very basic recipe for compound butter. The fancy-pants name is Maître ‘d Hotel Butter or Hotel Butter. We call it Chef Butter. And it’s great on so many things, both as a topping and a source of cooking oil/fat for veggies, seafood, and meats. You’ll love it on steaks! It’s a great way to achieve ketogenic ratios when eating leaner cuts of protein!


  1. Zest 1 lemon and mince parsley and chives. Use a sharp knife to chop the greens. Using a food processor will make the butter green; you want white butter with green flecks. Combine with butter and add salt. Stir to thoroughly incorporate. Add the juice of half a lemon, strained to remove seeds.
  2. When butter is homogenous, divide into 4 equal portions. Place each portion on a sheet of parchment. Form and roll tightly into a log. Secure the ends with a twist tie or rubber band. Place in a zip lock bag and freeze up to 3 months until ready to use, or refrigerate for up to 1 week. Chill the butter at least 2 hours prior to serving.
  3. When ready to serve, cut ⅛” disks of butter. Cut directly through the parchment and simply seal the cut end after use. Then discard paper and place each slice on top of meat or seafood.


This is a very basic recipe for compound butter. The fancy-pants name is Maître ‘d Hotel Butter or Hotel Butter. We call it Chef Butter. And it’s great on so many things, both as a topping and a source of cooking oil/fat for veggies, seafood, and meats. You’ll love it on steaks! It’s a great way to achieve ketogenic ratios when eating leaner cuts of protein!

Serving Ideas:
Serve with steaks and meats, seafood, and even veggies!


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