Low-Carb Success Story: Cheryl & Randy Nicholson – Learning About Low-Carb From the Internet

This success story was submitted by Cheryl during the month of June 2000. Cheryl’s story was so fantastic, I decided to print it exactly how she wrote it.

A little history! Our daughter was 16 years old and gaining weight every month for a number of years. She was diagnosed with pseudotumor, meaning “false tumor”. The body “thinks” it has a tumor so it stores up body fat as a way of protecting itself. The body also tried to cushion the brain by producing extra spinal fluid, which puts pressure behind the eyes. They put a permanent shunt in to drain off the extra spinal fluid and preserve her sight and rid her of terrible headaches. The shunt was successful but she was just 17 years old and over 300 lbs. We were sent to a specialist out of town for nutrition, to the hospital in town for liquid diets and to support groups everywhere. Very hard to do when you are so young.

Nothing seems to help. One doctor told us her metabolism is so slow that she could gain on 600 calories a day. Well, being a mom, I was not about to believe there was not something to help her. So to the Internet, I took. I read everything I could get my hands on about metabolism and weight lost programs. Every once in awhile there would be a reference about Low Carbing…and I would read more and more about it….hmmm.. over and over I would read about how this weight program was working for others and they were not starving. Working for people that had tried everything and yet was very happy to about what they were doing and how wonderful they felt.

Read the books, go to the doctor

So armed with a notebook and Atkins and Protein Power books I began. The whole family decided to low carb, meaning my husband, daughter and myself. Just like Di suggested in her article here at CarbSmart, we read the books, went to the doctor (we did get a few funny looks when I requested not only daughter to be tested but hubby and myself but after all we had been through, there was not a question, they would do what they could to help), we cleaned out all out cupboards (our sons living on their own were in heaven and the local food pantry benefit from what they did not like), we went food shopping and also stocked up on the vitamins suggested.

We measured and weighed in. That was back in March of 99. I joined some low carb mailing groups and read the newsgroups and they took very good care of this “newbie” and I appreciate all the support.

I am happy to report that dear husband is at 200 lbs down from 236, his blood pressure is normal and he is only on a small dose of one of the medicines. I am down 46 lbs and still have a ways to go and our darling daughter is down over 70 lbs and very happy indeed. I respect her wishes of not disclosing her weight or pictures but I would like to share a few before and after of my husband and myself because they represent what low carbing can do for a family. We were given an opportunity to get off the medical merry-go-round and be normal, once again, thanks to low-carb life changes.

Cheryl 246/202/190 1st goal.

Hubby 236/200/1?? blood medicine cut more than in half.

Daughter 18 yr. old now 300+/2??/1?? Graduated this year with high honors even with all the school she missed, can you tell how proud we are?? So even though we are a work in progress, our family is down over 150 lbs. total and I feel that our new lifestyle is a success in itself.

We give thanks to our Lord in all that He is doing in our lives.

If you have a low carb success story or know someone who should be profiled, or if you would like to have an email forwarded to the Nicholsons, please send email to [email protected].

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