Celebrate Valentine’s Day Guilt-Free by Amy Dungan

For some people, Valentine’s Day conjures up images of cupids, conversation hearts and chocolate. Others envision candle lit dinners, flowers and quiet retreats. My husband and I prefer to celebrate with a nice dinner out. We both get a juicy steak and I don’t have to clean up afterwards. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a wicked sweet tooth, but thankfully low-carb living has helped me tame that monster. I will admit, even now, to being especially fond of chocolate. When Valentine’s Day rolls around, I find myself dreading the stores. Aisles of heart-shaped truffles, chocolate roses, and other various confections tempt my senses. What’s a faithful low-carber to do? We only have two options – fight the cravings (which at times can be very difficult for me) or allow ourselves a Valentine’s Day indulgence. Thankfully, for those who choose the latter, there are sugar-free low-carb options.

If you can tolerate sugar alcohols, there are a variety of goodies awaiting you. Products like Russell Stover assorted candies and milk chocolate covered almonds are a nice choice. If chocolate isn’t your thing, jelly beans, peanut brittle, taffy and hard candies are pretty easy to find also. These self-limiting goodies may be just what you need to get through those tough temptations, and keep you from stealing a handful of your co-worker’s red and white M&M’s while she is in the bathroom.

For folks that prefer to avoid sugar alcohols, I’m happy to say that you have options as well. Products like ChocoPerfection, my personal all-time favorite, will allow you that indulgence without guilt or danger of stomach issues. If you are looking to make your own sweet treats, sans tummy turbulence, I suggest trying some of many amazing low-carb recipes that can be found on the internet and in cookbooks.

May we suggest:[contentcards url=”https://www.carbsmart.com/sampler-keto-box-12-count-by-bunny-james-boxes.html” target=”_blank”]

If you’re looking for a really nice variety, try getting your sugar-free sweetie a gift basket (or ask for one for yourself.) I’ve got my eye on the Sampler Keto Box (12 Count) by Bunny James Boxes. (I’m hinting in case my hubby is reading.) I could make that baby last a long time, providing I hide it from my children, and I’d get a little bit of everything!

However you choose to celebrate this year, do it in a way that leaves you feeling good about your choices and yourself. Guilt over a heart shaped peanut butter cup just isn’t worth it.

© 2011 by Amy Dungan. Article and photograph used by kind permission of the author. Send Amy your comments to Amy Dungan.

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