Low Carb Success Stories

Since 1999, CarbSmart has been publishing Low Carb Success Stories. If you would like to be featured as a Low Carb Success Story, send us an email to [email protected].

Low Carb Success Story Misty Humphrey

Low Carb Success Story Misty Humphrey

While Misty was a little overweight as a child, maybe 15 or 20 pounds, her biggest challenge as a youngster was her battle with Attention Deficit Disorder, slight tics, and compulsive behavior tendencies. Looking back, she now realizes her life could have been much different had her doctors and parents had understood the importance of nutrition in relation to these issues.

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Dana’s Carpender’s Low Carb Anniversary – The 33% Report

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

I dropped the carbs from my diet the day after Labor Day 1995. I would have started a few days earlier, but I invited a bunch of people over for a Labor Day cookout, and already started making the food. So I consider the Tuesday after Labor Day my LowCarbiversary. It's been 18 years I've been eating this way, and since I'm 54 – 55 in October – that means I've been low carb for exactly one third of my life - that's 33%.

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Low Carb Success Story Sandi Russell

Sandi Russell lost 80 lbs

I'm happy to introduce Sandi Russell, our latest success story. A 37 year old stay-at-home mom of two boys, Sandi was a tall, healthy youth, standing 5' 9” and wearing a size 7. She was one of those people that could eat just about anything she wanted without visible consequences. As the story goes, one day things changed.

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My Journey to Low Carb Part 2: Committing and Recommitting to Low Carb Eating

My first few days of low carb eating were incredibly easy. I found that I wasn’t as hungry as I used to be and I had more energy. I was propelled by adrenaline – excited to finally be trying something I was sure was going to work. In Tara Grant's Journey to Low Carb Part 2, like many of us, she learned she had to commit and recommit to Low Carb Eating.

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