Product Reviews

From 1999 to 2012, was one of the largest retailers of low carb products. Now that we’ve changed our focus from selling low carb items to evaluating low carb items, we can tell you what we REALLY think of them – GOOD or BAD! Whether we like a product or not, we tell you the best places to purchase them at.

Review: Grace Island Baked Cheese Crisps by Amy Dungan

When I first heard about this tasty sounding new product called Grace Island Baked Cheese Crisps, I'll admit to having high hopes. Having lived through the whole "low-carb craze" era, where every manufacturer and his dog were pushing their products as low-carb, I'll also admit to being skeptical. Many of those products were not truly low-carb, and some of them were down right nasty tasting. (Nasty as in maybe a dog really did come up with the product.)

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Review: Maine Cottage Foods Dark Chocolate Almond Bark by Amy Dungan

I'm a chocolate fanatic, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm pretty sure you could dip just about anything in chocolate and make it edible. Since starting my low-carb lifestyle in 2001 I've tried several brands of sugar-free chocolates. While most of them taste good, those containing sugar alcohols usually start a storm raging in your gut that would make a tornado jealous.

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Low Carb Product Reviews

In the process of collecting all this low carb food, I've tried a great many low carb specialty products. Note that I am aspartame-intolerant, so there are many perfectly good low carb products that I've never bought after reading the labels. Also, there are many products I haven't tried because I've already found something good in that category and therefore haven't explored further. Keep in mind, too, that tastes differ, and you may love something I hated or vice versa. So here, without further ado and in alphabetical order, are my picks and pans.

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