
Churrascaria Restaurants : Brazilian Steakhouse Low Carb / High Fat Heaven

Gauchos Village Brazilian Churrascaria style restaurant in Southern California

A Brazilian Churrascaria is an all-you-can-eat steakhouse, commonly referred to as a Brazilian Steakhouse. Just let that sink in a moment. Steak, all you can eat. And they don't just serve steaks. In addition to bacon-wrapped filet mignon; marinated skirt steak, tri-tip; top sirloin; garlic beef; rib eye; and smoked short ribs, the selection also includes Polish sausage; BBQ chicken thighs; marinated pork loin; and marinated lamb. All you can eat.

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Book Review: The Smarter Science of Slim by Jonathan Bailor

The Smarter Science of Slim

I had the privilege of meeting Jonathan Bailor and his lovely wife Angela on the 2013 Low Carb Cruise. I was impressed by Jonathan's passion for helping others and his talk was informative and entertaining. By the end of the cruise I knew I had to read his book The Smarter Science of Slim. I can honestly say this book didn't disappoint.

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Book Review: If Naturopaths Are Quacks… Then I Guess I’m A Duck

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

The title of this book gave me a good chuckle. Why wouldn't anyone believe in a nutrition-based, natural approach to health and healing? It seems we are fixated on the idea that health must come in the form of a pill or some other expensive method, often less effective than simpler approaches.

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Tony Roma’s – Sweet. Too Sweet For a Low Carb Lifestyle

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

Tony Roma's - Sweet. Too Sweet For a Low Carb Lifestyle by Ed Stockly. Tony my never go to Tony Roma's again and he thinks that's a shame. It's not that they don't do a good job making some food a low carb dieter can enjoy, it's just that they can do so much better.

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Book Review: The Fat Switch by Dr. Richard Johnson

CarbSmart Magazine June 2013

Book Review: The Fat Switch by Dr. Richard Johnson, reviewed by Dana Carpender in the June 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine. What if burning fat were as simple as flipping a switch? This book shares ideas so revolutionary, so startling, that Dana read it twice in a row. Mind-blowing stuff.

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