
Product Review: Wasa Fiber Crispbread on the Belly Fat Cure by Amber Allen-Sauer

I discovered Wasa Fiber Rye Crispbread several years ago when I did the Weight Watchers Core Plan (WW did away with that diet plan!). But I fell in love with these little cracker/breads and was thrilled to see that they fit into the Belly Fat Cure and Low Sugar diets perfectly!

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Review: Grace Island Baked Cheese Crisps by Amy Dungan

When I first heard about this tasty sounding new product called Grace Island Baked Cheese Crisps, I'll admit to having high hopes. Having lived through the whole "low-carb craze" era, where every manufacturer and his dog were pushing their products as low-carb, I'll also admit to being skeptical. Many of those products were not truly low-carb, and some of them were down right nasty tasting. (Nasty as in maybe a dog really did come up with the product.)

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Review: Big Train Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix by Amy Dungan

Trying to find a decent low-carb pancake mix is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It's a tough search. To be honest, I've held out little hope for these mixes. Many of them are loaded with so much soy that I can't get past the taste. I've also noticed they seem to have a rubbery texture. Neither is cause for celebration.

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Review: The 6 Week Cure for the Middle Aged Middle by Amy Dungan

As we approach those middle years, we realize things are changing. Some are no big deal. Most people can handle a little grey here and there. And those little noises your body makes when you get out of bed each morning – nothing a little stretching can’t take care of, right? But what about that unexplained bulge starting to form around your midsection? Despite healthy eating and regular exercise, you may find you still have an unwanted spare tire. Doctors Mike and Mary Dan Eades have the solution for you.

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Review: Maine Cottage Foods Dark Chocolate Almond Bark by Amy Dungan

I'm a chocolate fanatic, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm pretty sure you could dip just about anything in chocolate and make it edible. Since starting my low-carb lifestyle in 2001 I've tried several brands of sugar-free chocolates. While most of them taste good, those containing sugar alcohols usually start a storm raging in your gut that would make a tornado jealous.

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