
Review: Belly Fat Cure Sugar & Carb Counter by Amber Allen-Sauer

Jorge Cruise's latest book is a companion guide to the Belly Fat Cure. The book is small, 5x7 inches and slim. It's the perfect size to keep in your bag for shopping and dining out. This book was really necessary, since most nutritional value books don't list the sugar content, a sure sign that most people are not concerned with their sugar intake.

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Review: Nature’s Best Perfect Isopure Whey Protein Powders by Amy Dungan

I think it's safe to say I've become a protein powder connoisseur. I've found it useful in various recipes, as well as its traditional use for shakes. One thing I've learned the hard way is that you get what you pay for. This is especially true when speaking of protein powder.

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Taking That First Step on a Diet and an Interview with Jorge Cruise by Amber Allen-Sauer

Six months ago I felt completely helpless and hopeless with my weight, I wanted to lose weight but I felt overwhelmed with the enormity of it all. And honestly, scared of the changes I might have to make to accomplish it. I had lost faith in myself. But I am happy to say, that by applying a few rules to the food I eat and sticking with them I completely changed my body and rediscovered myself.

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Review: Miss Meringue Sugar-Free Meringues by Amy Dungan

Meringue cookies were one of my favorite snacks while riding the low-fat roller coaster in my younger days. They were low in fat, crispy, and one of the few low-fat foods that I thought tasted wonderful. Now that I'm no longer shunning fat, meringues are something I rarely think about. In my mind they were always a low-fat thing. So I was happy when I discovered a company making a sugar-free meringue that low-carbers can enjoy.

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Amy Dungan Reviews the New Atkins For A New You Book

The Atkins Diet is probably the most well known low-carb plan in existence. Dr. Robert Atkins devoted his life to teaching people about healthy living and weight loss. Despite his success with a myriad of patients, his efforts were scoffed at and deemed dangerous by so-called experts in the health field. Thankfully the medical community is starting to realize the benefits of low-carb living and are finally showing Dr. Atkins the respect he deserved while he was still alive.

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Dana Carpender’s Cinco de Mayo Review of R.W. Garcia Soy and Flaxseed Tortilla Chips & Baja Bob’s Sugar Free Margarita Mix

All of which makes this a great time to review a couple of products Andrew sent me last summer, and I neglected to review in a timely fashion: R.W. Garcia Soy and Flaxseed Tortilla Chips, and Baja Bob's Sugar Free Margarita Mix. I just love it when Andrew sends me a party in a box!

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Moove over Moolatte – Amy Dungan Reviews Big Train Low-Carb Blended Ice Mocha Mix

I'm a sucker for the combination of coffee and chocolate. My first ever sip of a Diary Queen Moolatte sent my tastebuds into orbit. Sadly, it sent my blood sugar soaring as well. Coming back down from that high was not pleasant at all, not to mention it's counter productive to weight loss and good health. Many times I have tired to find a substitute for my beloved Moolatte, only to end up with less-than-acceptable copies. Thankfully I came across a product from Big Train that will work in place of this high-sugar favorite.

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