Book Reviews

Whether you’re new to the low carb lifestyle or a seasoned veteran, you need to read at least one low carb book. We’ve read them all and help you decide which ones you should consider reading.

Keto Meal Prep by FlavCity: 125+ Low Carb Recipes

Keto Meal Prep by FlavCity: 125+ Low Carb Recipes That Actually Taste Good

In Keto Meal Prep, Bobby and Dessi Parrish show you how to maximize your time—and maintain your ketogenic diet—by preparing seven days of healthy meals in one evening. This book includes fifty low-carb keto meal prep recipes containing two or three components you can mix and match to create more than 125 delicious combinations.

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End Your Carb Confusion: A Simple Guide to Customize Your Carb Intake for Optimal Health

End Your Carb Confusion 1920x1080

End Your Carb Confusion is the GPS you need to help you navigate your way from frustrated and disappointed to empowered and successful. Find the level of carbohydrate intake that’s right for you now, and then learn how to switch gears to a higher- or lower-carb diet when the time is right.

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Protein Power by Michael R. Eades & Mary Dan Eades (Paperback)

Protein Power

Based on cutting-edge research, this revolutionary, medically sound, deliciously satisfying plan has already helped thousands of patients lose weight and achieve other lifesaving health benefits, including lower cholesterol and blood pressure readings and an improvement or reversal of common disorders such as heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, and gout. Developed by Doctors Michael and Mary Dan Eades, the simple regimen calls for a new way of eating: a protein-rich, moderate-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that will have you feeling better and more energetic within a week, and correct blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol within three weeks.

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Starch Madness: Paleolithic Nutrition for Today by Richard L. Heinrich

Starch Madness

Finally there is a book that explains and proves on a hormonal level why the high starch diets, the pasta and the bagels, now practically the law of the land, keep the 75% of us with Paleolithic genes fat. Unfortunately, Starch Madness has been out of print for years but can be found in new and used condition online.

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The 30-Day Ketogenic Cleanse by Maria Emmerich

30-Day Ketogenic Cleanse

The 30-Day Ketogenic Cleanse is a guidebook for healing the body from the inside out. Most people attempting a keto diet do it completely wrong. Maria Emmerich, on the other hand, bases this cleanse on a true, well-formulated ketogenic diet, helping readers reset their metabolism, regain health, lose weight, and tap into increased energy levels.

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The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting

Complete Guide To Fasting

In researching why it works, we learn that fasting is not about starving oneself. When done right, it’s an incredibly effective therapeutic approach that produces amazing results regardless of diet plan.

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