Low-Carb Gelatin-Flavored Whipped Cream Fat Fast Recipe. The purpose of this recipe is not to prepare the gelatin in the traditional way, the purpose is to flavor the Whipped Cream with the Gelatin mix.
Read More »Low-Carb High-Fat Float Recipe Fat Fast Recipe
A Fat Fast float beverage! Low-Carb, high fat and delicious! ¼ cup heavy or whipping cream in a can of any flavor stevia or splenda sweetened diet soda.
Read More »Fat Fast Peanut Butter Pudding Recipe
Fat Fast Peanut Butter Pudding thickens up magnificently, and can either be eaten “as is” or partially frozen, but don't let it get rock hard unless you just want to suck on it. If you love this one, make up several servings at one time and stick them into the refrigerator in custard cups for individual servings. That way you only have one cleanup.
Read More »Fat Fast Egg Yolk Dip Recipe
A great quick healthy Fat Fast recipe. Think of this as the filling for deviled eggs. Eat plain, or stuffed into celery or spread on a few rounds of cucumber. Also great for a Fat Fast, Low-Carb Gluten-Free breakfast.
Read More »Fat Fast Tuna Salad Recipe
Another great quick healthy Fat Fast recipe. Tuna salad or chicken salad with triple the usual amount of mayonnaise. Also great for a Fat Fast, Low-Carb Gluten-Free appetizer.
Read More »Low-Carb Lesson #17: Low Carb ‘It’s Not Just For Breakfast’ Meal
Tonight's menu serves a duel purpose because it can be served simply as either a family breakfast or dinner and it can also be expanded slightly to a terrific company brunch that you serve for your family and friends. My husband and I were served a variation of this meal when we were down in Florida visiting friends this January. Not only did I enjoy it, but so did Rod - and he is a high carb Philistine.
Read More »Low-Carb Chipped Beef & Cream Cheese Dip Recipe
A low-carb Chipped Beef & Cream Cheese recipe for dipping. This spread is perfect for veggies, meats, crackers, and more! It’s quick and easy to make and your guests will love it. You can make it ahead of time and store in the refrigerator. It’s also a great little snack to keep on hand when you just need a little something to satisfy the cravings.
Read More »Low-Carb Lesson #16: Lemon and Garlic Main Dishes & Sides
Garlic and Lemon Chicken Breasts are nicely seasoned, and will wake up your take buds without blowing them out of your mouth. And with this meal plan you prepare an entire 4-pound bag at one time, so there’s plenty for leftovers. You can eat the leftover chicken breasts either hot or cold, and I’ve also included several recipes that you can use them in, too. If you are serving the chicken breasts as your entree, I suggest steaming a vegetable to go with it. You can top your veggies with a pat of butter if you like.
Read More »Make-Ahead Low-Carb Holiday Recipes, Part III: Holiday Desserts
All of these Low-Carb Holiday Dessert recipes are simple, and yet they will add the final touch to your holiday meal that most of us crave. They can all be made ahead of time, and several of them can be made in individual portions. If you are the lone low carber and are traveling to a family dinner, you can take just one portion of your dessert and won't have to lug the entire dessert along with you.
Read More »Make-Ahead Low-Carb Holiday Recipes Part II: Main & Side Dishes
The best tip I can give you for make-ahead main dishes is to buy ahead. My stepmother routinely serves beef tenderloins and veggies at Christmas. Turkey and sometimes ham are on sale around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Beef isn't. Every year she finds beef tenderloins on sale during the summer. She buys them, wraps them well, freezes them until the day before Christmas, and saves a bundle. It's too late for this year, I suppose, but don't forget this tip next summer.
Read More »Make-Ahead Low-Carb Holiday Recipes Part I: Appetizers, Salads & Beverages
The worst thing about preparing holiday meals is... preparing the holiday meals. It really is difficult timing everything to be ready to serve at the same time, especially when you want to socialize with your family and friends and not be isolated in the kitchen silently (or not so silently) tearing your hair out by the roots. Included are 10 Low-Carb Appetizers, Salads & Beverages recipes for a successful holiday meal.
Read More »Low-Carb Lesson #15: Broiled Flounder, Buttery Broccoli, & Mushroom Salad
Tonight's meal is a nice change of pace, and proves once again that neither low carb food nor seafood has to be boring. Broiled Flounder with Zesty Lime Cream, Steamed Broccoli Spears, Romaine and Mushroom Salad with Lemony French Dressing.
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