
Over 1,000 Low-Carb & Keto Recipes from CarbSmart for all levels of low-carb cooking & low-carb baking. has hundreds of low-carb recipes for healthy low-carb, ketogenic lifestyles. Recipes for Atkins Fat Fast and high-fat, low carb meals. Many recipes are gluten-free and/or sugar-free.

Low-Carb Spinach Salad with Strawberries Recipe

Low-Carb Spinach and Strawberry Salad Recipe

No matter the season, nothing beats a fresh salad. This Low-Carb Gluten-Free spinach salad with strawberries is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're hosting a big crowd or just dinner for the family, this salad is not only refreshing, but it packs a big nutritional punch. You can easily prepare it ahead of time and even add your favorite protein to make a complete one bowl meal.

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Mixed Green Salad With Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing Recipe

Low-Carb Mixed Green Salad With Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing Recipe

I love a Low-Carb Gluten-Free salad as a side dish. Its refreshing, healthy, and I can even go back for second or third helpings. This Mixed Green Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing is extra tasty! You get the buttery taste of the Boston lettuce and the peppery taste of the arugula and the endive and radicchio give it extra crunch. But the best part of all is the homemade Raspberry Vinaigrette. It is both sweet and tangy and makes every meal just a little more special.

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Low-Carb Sugar-Free Peach Iced Tea Recipe

Peach Low-Carb Sugar-Free Iced Tea Recipe

Nothing is more refreshing on a hot summer day than a nice cold glass of Low-Carb Iced Tea. I like to incorporate the flavors of summer into my tea and my favorite is Sugar-Free Peach Iced Tea. Of course, if peach isn't your thing you can use your favorite fruit flavor. I suggest making this tea the night before so you give the flavors time to marry. If you're having a party and you want something with a little kick, feel free to add a dash of tequila to the glass and you can call it a low-carb margarita.

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Low-Carb Cantaloupe Wedges With Blueberries Recipe

Cantaloupe Wedges With Blueberries Recipe

I prefer a light and refreshing Low-Carb dessert after a heavy meal and fresh fruit is usually my preference. If you don't care for my fruit choices, feel free to substitute with your own favorite low glycemic fruits for the Cantaloupe Wedges. Adding the Swerve Granular Sweetener to the fruit gives it a bit of extra sweetness as well as macerate the fruit which allows the natural sweetness to shine. I have found that frozen organic blueberries work best in this recipe.

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Low-Carb Chunky Style Salsa Recipe

Low-Carb Chunky Style Salsa Recipe

Many of my friends have gardens or farms, Which is a very good thing because I have a very black thumb. I have come to rely on the bounty of produce they gift me each summer and fall. My family will not eat plain old tomatoes but we will all eat Low-Carb Gluten-Free salsa. This recipe is my answer to no tomatoes on our salads. I like the more subtle taste of Serrano peppers, but if you prefer jalapenos then go for it. If you are a canning person, go ahead and make as much as you like and can it for use in future months or to save for hostess gifts. I promise your host will thank you for it!

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Low-Carb Romaine & Mushroom Salad Recipe

Low-Carb Romaine and Mushroom Salad Recipe

Including a salad with you meal packs in much needed nutrients without relying on empty calories. I would much rather eat a fresh and filling side dish like this Romaine and Mushroom Salad with Lemony French Dressing than something heavy like potatoes or pasta. A nice salad makes the meal seem lighter which keeps the after dinner bloat at bay!

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