Dessert Recipes

Sex And Food

There are certain instinctive drives that all human beings share. Hunger is one of them. Eating is necessary for our survival as individuals, so we eat. We can't live without eating, so the drive to eat is hardwired into our psyches. As individuals, we can live without sex, but as a species we cannot, so that drive is also hardwired into our psyche.

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Lesson #47: Susan’s Sizzling Steak Salad

The inspiration for tonight's menu comes from Susan M., someone I've known from various low carb lists and a CarbSmart Magazine reader. The Sizzling Steak Salad she suggested sounded so good that I asked her if I could use her idea for Low Carb Cooking 101. Thank goodness she said yes, because I really wanted to share it with all of you. Thanks, Susan!

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Lesson #44: Lamb (Or Veal) Patties Dijon

I like lamb. I like lamb A LOT. But as fate would have it, I am married to a non-lamb-loving man. He doesn't hate it, exactly, but he does nothing more than tolerate it unless I jazz it up with some sauce of some kind. Sauces he likes - the more sauce of any kind, the better. He likes it best when there's so much sauce that he can barely see the meat or fish under it.

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Low-Carb Lesson #38: Ballpark Low-Carb Omelet

Today is officially the first day of spring, and what comes right on spring's heels? BASEBALL! Monday is Opening Day for the Cincinnati Reds, and it's a very big deal here. At this point in the season hope springs eternal, and we all KNOW that the Reds are going to win the World Series this year. There's a parade before the game, and both kids and adults cut school and/or work to attend the pre-game festivities as well as the ball game itself.

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Low-Carb Lesson #37: Low Carb Turkey In The Slaw, Deviled Eggs and Cantaloupe & Honeydew

Low Carb Cooking 101: Lesson #37: Low Carb Turkey In The Slaw My husband is a high school vice principal, which involves attending a lot of evening extracurricular activities. (Tonight he’s at a basketball game.) My son is a 17-year-old high school senior, who works at the Cincinnati Museum Center, …

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A Valentine’s Day EXCLUSIVE courtesy of Jennifer Eloff, author of Splendid Low Carbing

Jennifer Eloff, author of "Splendid Low Carbing" has created a wonderful 14 page guide and menu of wonderful recipes for you to share on that special day. This free document is available in Adobe Acrobat format and can be downloaded here. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download it here.

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CarbSmart Lesson #30: Complete Low Carb Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner

CarbSmart Lesson #30: Complete Low Carb Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner

CarbSmart Complete Low Carb Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes includes Zesty Roast Turkey, Molded Gazpacho Salad, Cranberry Treat, Company Cauliflower Casserole, Decadent Spinach Casserole, Holiday Spaghetti Squash Casserole, Di's Chocolate Mocha No-Bake Cheesecake.

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Lesson #28: Pork Roast And Sauerkraut

I was looking back through previous Low Carb Cooking 101 lessons, and I was amazed that I had only shared one pork recipe with you. Autumn and winter aren't the only times I serve pork, for crying out loud. We have pork for dinner at least once every ten days or so, usually pork roast, pork chops, or pork steaks. But I really do like pork most in the fall and winter.

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Lesson #25: Hot Chicken Philly Salad For Two

Once in a while, the kids fly the coop and range about the city doing whatever kids do. In my case, that means that Chris is at his "other family's" house for dinner and the evening. (His girlfriend's mother is thinking of declaring him a dependent on their income tax return.) Judy is usually off to spend the night with a friend.

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