Personal Experience

Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism by Maria Emmerich

Secrets To A Healthy Metabolism by Maria Emmerich

Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism by Maria Emmerich covers the science behind nutrition and how our bodies use different elements of our food to function. In this book you will learn the tools to lead a healthy lifestyle that you can sustain for the rest of your life. It is based on the food science of how our bodies react to different ingredients.

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I Have Insulin Resistance, Now What? (Part 3 of 3, Who Am I?)

Valerie Berkowitz, MS, RD, CDE, CDN

Looking for the signs and symptoms of insulin resistance is only the beginning of the journey - there is a bigger issue. A major problem lies in the attitude and standards of practice for health care professionals. Valerie Berkowitz continues to look at her history with insulin resistance to help guide you to learn how to feed yourself with what your body really needs.

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How the Modified Atkins Diet Helped Give Her Epileptic Son A New Life

How the Modified Atkins Diet Helped Give Her Epileptic Son A New Life. Our neurologist proposed a form of the ketogenic diet; The Modified Atkins Diet for Seizures (MAD)

How the Modified Atkins Diet Helped Give Her Epileptic Son A New Life. Our neurologist proposed a form of the ketogenic diet; The Modified Atkins Diet for Seizures (MAD). He explained that it would take a lot of willpower and discipline on Casey’s part and that of our whole family.

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Causes and Symptoms of Insulin Resistance During Pregnancy (Part 2 of 3, Who Am I?)

Low Carb Pregnancy

In order to figure out my unexplained and substantial weight gain, my starting point of thought was "What is the underlying cause for this excessive weight gain during my pregnancy, and why was it so difficult to get it off?" Valerie Berkowitz shares part 2 of her personal story about her history with Dr. Atkins and how she learned about insulin resistance during pregnancy.

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Eating to Beat Breast Cancer – Part 3 of a 3 Part Series

In part 3 of her 3 part series, Susie T Gibbs shares her experience with living with breast cancer and her low carb lifestyle. Part 3 includes several of the latest studies, articles, and even YouTube Videos that will help you make the most informed decision possible about what to eat and how to eat, should you or a loved one develop breast cancer.

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Eating To Beat Breast Cancer – Part 2 of a 3 Part Series

What do you eat to prevent breast cancer, or cure it if you are unfortunate enough to be fighting it? Will proper nutrition help you beat it? And just what is “proper nutrition”? What role does a low carb lifestyle play in nutrition and breast cancer? The answers to these questions are not clear-cut or easily determined. In order to discuss these questions, we must first understand a few things about the nature of the beast. We must also understand the difficulties involved in writing nutritional policies for use on populations with breast cancer.

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