Our Writers

Mythbusting: Low Carb and the Athlete

CarbSmart Magazine November 2013 Issue

Kent Altena debunks the long standing myths surrounding the relationship between low carb and exercise. These myths are often perpetuated by people who have tried the low carb lifestyle unsuccessfully in the past, or by those that continue to support scientists and scientific studies that fail to recognize what is known by most low carbers.

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5 Do’s and Don’ts for Thanksgiving Dinner to Avoid Stuffing Ourselves

5 Do's and Don'ts for Thanksgiving Dinner to Avoid Stuffing Ourselves

With so many decadent dishes on the table, many just can't refrain from the inevitable overeating that occurs. Dr. Avena shows us the potential down side of the Thanksgiving feast. Over eating has real life physical consequences we should all be aware of.

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