Our Writers

Review: Let’s Do Organic Unsweetened Organic Coconut Flakes by Amy Dungan

When thinking of low-carb, one doesn't often think of coconut. I'm not sure why, but it's just not one of those visions that pop in your head. Bacon, yes. Coconut, no. Coconut makes me think of sweet indulgent desserts and warm tropics. But coconut products can be a useful part of your low-carb plan.

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Salt on a Low Carb Diet by Dana Carpender

Many of us agree. Salt is easily the most popular seasoning. There's a good reason for this: Salt is an essential nutrient; without it we'll die. But just as Americans "know" that fat is bad for them, they "know" that salt is bad for them. The standard wisdom, parroted over and over again, is that limiting fat and salt intake will lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and improve health in general.

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Review: Xlear XyloSweet All Natural Xylitol Sweetener by Amy Dungan

Sweeteners are a matter of personal preference. The spectrum of opinions on this topic range from "anything is better than sugar" to "you should never eat anything sweet again". I fall more in the middle. I think a little sweet here and there can be beneficial if it keeps you on course. Keeping that in mind, I do have my favorites and not-so-favorites. Sugar alcohols tend to fall in the latter category, although I realize some are worse than others.

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Introducing Dana’s Low Carb For Life! The Dana Carpender Show

Today, Low-Carbist Extraordinaire Dana Carpender unveiled her witty, clever, educational and FUN new podcast at www.DanasLowCarbForLife.com - The Dana Carpender Show! Dana's new show features a magazine-style format with a few features, the occasional interview and, of course, recipes, too.

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Dealing with Food Pushers by Amy Dungan

Holidays bring a myriad of emotions. The joy of spending time with family and friends can be the highlight of the season. The flip side of this coin is that family gatherings tend to center around food, and the inevitable pressure to eat everything your Aunt Trudy made. After all, she made that sugary carb-loaded favorite just for you! Will it really hurt to have just one serving and save her fragile feelings?

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Thanksgiving Day Leftovers by Dana Carpender Includes Her Turkey Tetrazinni Recipe

Thanksgiving was Thursday. Maybe you took an Indulgence Day, maybe - like a growing (or, more accurately, shrinking) group of low carbers, you kept on low carbing right through the feast. I heard from a lot of people who had fauxtatoes and sugar-free pumpkin pie. Regardless, you probably have some leftovers kicking around. You're not going to be eating turkey sandwiches, or at least I hope you're not. So what to do with your leftover bird?

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