Our Writers

Can Exercise Be Fun? by Amy Dungan

An article caught my eye today and I had to do a double take. The gist of the piece was that if you are enjoying exercise, you aren't doing it right. If you want to get technical, I supposed that may be true. I'm a fan of the Slow Burn method for building strength, but let me tell ya, It's not fun. I don't get up of a morning and think "I can't wait to work my muscles until they hurt and my body feels like a blob of jelly!" So maybe we are only really working our muscles if we are doing something that is uncomfortable. I'll concede it's possible.

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2011 Low Carb Cruise Highlights by by Dana Carpender

Our panel of speakers this year started with Tom Naughton, a comedian. A comedian? You bet. Tom is both seriously funny and seriously smart, and his documentary Fathead is now the number one documentary at Hulu. Tom's presentation was called Science for Smart People, and was aimed at helping everyone understand the scientific double talk that too often lets biased researchers bamboozle people.

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Review: Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes by Amy Dungan

Gary has a great way of helping his readers understand topics that at one time seemed too complicated for someone without a medical degree. Having read his previous book Good Calories, Bad Calories from cover to cover, I expected to see a lot of the same things discussed, but in much simpler format.

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Atkins for Life: The Complete Controlled Carb Program for Permanent Weight Loss by Robert C. Atkins, MD

Whether you've lost weight doing Atkins and want to make your success permanent or you're new to Atkins and are concerned about your health and weight control, Atkins for Life is for you. Filled with advice and tips on navigating the everyday challenges that come with eating low carb in a high carb world, the book provides a simple and straightforward lifetime program that anyone can follow. With Atkins for Life, finding your ideal weight and staying there has never been so easy or so good!

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