HOLIDAY SALE ENDS SOON - HALF PRICE CarbSmart Low-Carb Cookbook Bundle, 5 Paperback Books, Hundreds of Low-Carb Recipes

HOLIDAY SALE ENDS SOON - HALF PRICE CarbSmart Low-Carb Cookbook Bundle, 5 Paperback Books, Hundreds of Low-Carb Recipes


Nutritional Ketosis

The phrase “nutritional ketosis” is a better way of framing the idea of becoming keto-adapted or fat-adapted through the use of a well-formulated high-fat, adequate (moderate) protein, low carb diet. Until you get the macronutrient mix that is right for YOU, the health benefits of nutritional ketosis will continue to elude you. These are articles on about Nutritional Ketosis.

Dana Carpender Video Interview with Dr. Annika Dahlqvist and Dr. Ralf Sundberg

Dana Carpender Interviews Dr. Annika Dahlqvist and Dr. Ralf Sundberg

Dana Carpender Interviews Dr. Annika Dahlqvist and Dr. Ralf Sundberg - two leaders in the Swedish Low Carb / High Fat movement. The nine minute video interview on the last day of the 2013 Low Carb Cruise includes a discussion about Dr. Dahlqvist's success in changing the Swedish government's mind about the validity of the low carb / high fat plan as well as the (negative) role pharmaceutical companies play in public health - ALL OVER THE WORLD.

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Fat Fast Cookbook Paperback Now Available on!

Fat Fast Cookbook Now in Paperback

The long awaited 100 page paperback edition is now available from The Fat Fast Cookbook was written by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, and Rebecca Latham to help anyone looking to break a low carb weight loss stall or for those looking to kick their body into fat-burning Nutritional Ketosis.

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10 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Nutritional Ketosis Besides Weight Loss

Healthy Fats Avocado

It’s been a spectacular journey over these past year, testing the concept of nutritional ketosis on myself. What started out as a simple n=1 experiment to learn if a very high-fat, moderate protein, very low-carbohydrate nutritional approach could make a impact on my weight and health once a traditional Atkins or Paleo-style diet wasn’t working for me anymore, has now become much more than that.

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Ketones: The Misunderstood Energy Source

Precision Xtra Blood Glucose & Blood Ketone Meter

The production of ketones, when consuming less than about 50 grams of carbs daily, has been a major criticism of the diet since the publication of his first book Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution in 1972. The medical community, assisted by the media, continues to be in the forefront of furthering inaccurate info about this natural process of utilizing ketones to fuel the body. It is time to set the record straight.

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CarbSmart’s Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender

Fat Fast Cookbook

Jump-Start Your Low Carb Weight Loss with CarbSmart's Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender & the CarbSmart Staff! The Fat Fast - 1,000 calories per day, 90% from pure fat - resulted in average fat loss - not just weight loss, but fat loss - of over a pound per day! It's a radical, short-term strategy, but boy, does it work.

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Australian Macadamia Nut Oil 250 ml

Australian Macadamia Nut Oil

With all the talk recently about Nutritional Ketosis, Many of us are looking for ways to add more healthy fat and oils to our low carb diet. One of the favorite low carb oils has been macadamia nut oil. This healthy oil gets 100% of it's calories from fat - perfect for Nutritional Ketosis or a Fat Fast.

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Alzheimer’s Dementia: Shining the Spotlight on Coconut Oil & Ketones

Coconuts and Coconut Oil

In the past few years, scientists have discovered that a contributing factor to Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia is insulin resistance. In fact, some researchers are now referring to Alzheimer’s Disease as type 3 diabetes, an illness which affects only the brain. People who suffer from this condition are unable to accept glucose into their brain cells (neurons) and as a result, those cells starve. In her first column for CarbSmart, Vicki Cash, RN, BSN, examines the use of coconut oil as a treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease.

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