Low Carb Foods

Low carb foods help us live a sugar free, low carb lifestyle. Since it is sometimes tough to find Low Carb Foods and Low Carb Ingredients in your local area, we have compiled a list of low carb items that you can find online. CarbSmart’s low carb food list will help you stay sugar free.

The Amazing History of Chocolate – Health Benefits of Chocolate

A journey through the history of chocolate reveals that this mysterious food has woven its story throughout multiple cultures and continents impacting civilizations culturally, socially, economically and spiritually. A study of the history of chocolate begins by going back in time to the realm of the Maya Indians and the Olmec Civilizations of Central America.

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Splenda’s Splendid! Reasons to Add Splenda to Your Life

Splenda 200 Pack Packets

plenda, Splenda, Splenda. This word was drilled into my head like a mantra when I started this way of eating. Every low carb email list I belong to extolled its virtues. Almost every low carb recipe designed for the sweet tooth included packets of Splenda. I'd never heard of the stuff. Politely I asked, "What the @#$% is Splenda?" I was desperate to know.

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Smart & Delicious Low Carb High Fiber Tortillas 7 inch (Regular Size) by La Tortilla Factory

La Tortilla Factory Large Low Carb Tortillas

La Tortilla Factory Low Carb Tortillas: These low carbs wraps have just 3-4 grams of net carbs per tortilla are an excellent source of fiber (6 - 7 grams per tortilla), contains Organic Soy Flour for higher protein (5g per tortilla) & have 10 tortillas per package.

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