Hello low-carb cronies, Atkins admirers, Paleo pals! So happy to be joining you here at CarbSmart. I am excited to share my love of all things Paleo-tastic with you, and hopefully provide some insight into this similar, yet different approach to weight-loss and wellness gains!
Read More »CarbSmart Magazine Is Now Available in Apple’s iTunes Newsstand
CarbSmart Magazine serving the low carb community, has taken its digital presence to the Apple iPad, Google Android and Amazon Kindle tablets.
Read More »Fat Head, Director’s Cut by Tom Naughton Documentary Review
Comedian Tom Naughton started out with the intention to film a rebuttal to Morgan Spurlock's documentary Super Size Me but what he ended up with was so much more. After he started looking into the nutritional science behind our national dietary recommendations, Tom realized something was very wrong - the science and the recommendations didn't align. Fat Head quickly morphed into a funny and educational combination that teaches you to look critically at the science, understand how the body/food connection actually works, and to think for yourself with this snazzy little thing called a functioning brain. He reminds us that we aren't stupid, despite what certain organizations would like us to believe, and we can make smart decisions all by our little ole' selves.
Read More »The Resolution That Makes The Others Possible
At a time when most people are thinking about setting short-term goals, Dana Carpender suggests this one overarching resolution: To continually keep in mind the line between what we can change and what we can’t change, and to frequently check in on our assumptions about the difference.
Read More »Strong Kids, Healthy Kids by Fred Hahn
Strong Kids, Healthy Kids: The Revolutionary Program for Increasing Your Child's Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week.
Read More »How the Modified Atkins Diet Helped Give Her Epileptic Son A New Life
How the Modified Atkins Diet Helped Give Her Epileptic Son A New Life. Our neurologist proposed a form of the ketogenic diet; The Modified Atkins Diet for Seizures (MAD). He explained that it would take a lot of willpower and discipline on Casey’s part and that of our whole family.
Read More »It’s That Time Of Year Again! Choose Your Low Carb New Year’s Resolutions!
It's time for our annual reminder of the relentless passage of time that makes New Year's Day a great time to rededicate ourselves to achieving and preserving a healthy lifestyle. In the interests of doing just that, here are some suggestions for low carb New Year's resolutions.
Read More »Rules For A Resolution Free Low-Carb New Year
What if we remove "resolutions" from our dictionary? What if we resolve to wave farewell to the grandiose January 1, New Year's Day Resolutions? What if we attack this whole resolution nonsense differently? What if we decide to set goals instead of resolutions? Susie T. Gibbs has some great suggestions for setting proper goals.
Read More »Eating To Beat Breast Cancer – Part 1 of a 3 Part Series
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Can Eating a Low Carb Diet help you beat breast cancer? CarbSmart’s breast cancer survivor, Susie T. Gibbs, examines the relationship between cancer & nutrition in part 1 of a 3 part series.
Read More »Ain’t That Nutritional Ketosis Thing Just Another Way Of Saying Atkins?
Isn't Nutritional Ketosis Just Another Way Of Saying Atkins? Nutritional Ketosis is the idea of putting your body in a keto-adapted or fat-adapted state through the use of a well-formulated high-fat, adequate (moderate) protein, low-carb diet. Until you get the macronutrient mix that is right for YOU, the health benefits of nutritional ketosis will continue to elude you. This article explains the concept and how adapting it has put him back on the road of low carb success.
Read More »4 Strategies for Resisting Temptation on Your Low Carb Diet
Believe it or not, you can cultivate a state of mind where low carbing becomes much, much, easier. In her first article for CarbSmart, Laura Dolson, Low Carb Diets Guide for About.com presents four strategies to get you to this state of mind.
Read More »Positive Thinking on Your Low Carb Lifestyle
Positive Thinking Day got me thinking about keeping a positive attitude on your low carb diet. Staying positive & focused on low carb no matter what.
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