Maehing is from South Carolina and is 32 years old. She has followed the Atkins way of life since November 1, 2000. Maehing has gone from 264 pounds to just 8 pounds from her goal weight, now weighing in at 178. She has dropped from a size 22 to a 12.
Read More »Nick From Canada’s Low Carb Success Story
Nick from Canada is 32, and has been following Protein Power since October of 1999. Nick started out weighing 395 pounds, and now weighs 216! He has dropped from a size 56 waist to a 36, and a from 4XL to a large shirts!
Read More »Bridgette from Texas’ Low Carb Success Story
Bridgette from Texas is in her early 30's, and by low carbing has dropped from 210+ pounds to her goal weight of 135! She has been able to exchange her size 22 blouses and size 20 pants to medium blouses and size 8 pants!
Read More »Steve From Florida’s Low Carb Success Story
Steve from Florida is 44, and has been low carbing for two years. When he began low carbing, Steve weighed 365 pounds; he now weigh 220 pounds. He used to wear a size triple-X shirt and pants with a 54-inch waist, but he now wears a size medium shirt and pants with a trim 34/36-inch waist!!
Read More »Jamie C.’s Low Carb Success Story
Jamie C. is 42 years old, and had been overweight her entire life. She grew up in a family of thin people. The only exception of her mother, who had also been heavy her whole life. Her sister was five years older than Jamie, and although she was thin, Jamie didn't remember her being mean or saying bad things to her about her weight.
Read More »Carol From North Carolina’s Low Carb Success Story
Carol from North Carolina is 43, and she has lost 110 pounds low carbing. Carol started her low carb weight loss journey wearing a size 22, and is now at her goal size of 6, although she would like her 6's to be a tad looser. Currently weighing 138, Carol is only 8 pounds from her goal weight.
Read More »Jean From Iowa’s Low Carb Success Story
Jean from Iowa is 41 and has gone from 190 pounds to 143.5 pounds and from a size 20/22 to an 8-10. Jean follows the Atkins program, with ‘shades of Protein Power.’
Read More »Terry From Michigan’s Low Carb Success Story
Terry was born and raised in Kentucky, and now lives in northeastern Michigan. She is 45 years old, and has been following the Atkins program since March 16, l998. To date, Terry has lost a total of 132 pounds and she has dropped from a size 26 to a 12!
Read More »Losing Inches But Not Weight Is Still Fat Loss
Losing Inches But Not Weight Is Still Fat Loss. How the hell does your body hold onto weight and still manage to get smaller while you are on your chosen low-carb plan?!? Losing inches but not weight? You know the scenario: You are on Induction for two weeks, and you haven't cheated even once. You notice that your clothes fit better, that you are stepping a little livelier, and as far as you're concerned, all's right with the world.
Read More »Lisa from Chicago’s Low Carb Success Story
Lisa is 35, and has been on the Atkins program since January 10, 2000. She has lost 87 pounds and gone from a size 30/32 to a 16! She is still going strong on the way to her goal size of a 10.
Read More »Carol From California’s Low Carb Success Story
Carol from California is 42 years old, and has been on the Atkins program for 16 months. She has lost a total of 84 pounds, 51 inches, and has dropped from a size 26 pants to a size 16!
Read More »A Day In The Life Of A Teenage Low Carber
In a cloud of utter boredom, I drag my feet to the school cafeteria. It's chaos, as usual. I blink in a slow, salamander-like motion and head toward my table, resigned. All around me are the wonderful smells of empty carbohydrates: soup, garlic bread, macaroni, French fries.... The list goes on, but it doesn't really matter, because I can't eat any of it. I'm a low carber.
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