When you're starting a low-carb diet, if you have read the book, plan on reading it again. There's too much information to absorb in one reading. Consider your copy a reference work and consult it frequently. Questions will pop up as you go along; the answers are generally in the book. Then get ready to be successful.
Read More »Starting A Low-Carb Diet Part 1: Preparation & Research
You've decided to give it one last shot. You're ready to try a low-carbohydrate diet. Even though your mother says it will kill you, you figure that NOT losing weight is going to kill you anyway, so what the heck? The only trouble is, you have no idea where to start. This is Part 1 of Starting a Low-Carb Diet.
Read More »Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution (Paperback)
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution offers not just weight loss, but total wellness designed for the overweight metabolism. Paperback Edition. The book that started all for the low carb revolution.
Read More »Losing Inches But Not Weight Is Still Fat Loss
Losing Inches But Not Weight Is Still Fat Loss. How the hell does your body hold onto weight and still manage to get smaller while you are on your chosen low-carb plan?!? Losing inches but not weight? You know the scenario: You are on Induction for two weeks, and you haven't cheated even once. You notice that your clothes fit better, that you are stepping a little livelier, and as far as you're concerned, all's right with the world.
Read More »Are you Ready to Change Your Life? Preparing for your Low-Carb Lifestyle
I recently heard a woman complain that she just couldn't stick with low-carbing. She does it for a few weeks, loses 15 pounds, quits for a month, gains it all back, and repeats this cycle monthly. She wanted to know what was wrong with her? Why couldn't she stick with it? Does this sound like you?
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