High Blood Pressure

What If Fat is the Solution? An Interview with Drs. Jeff Volek & Stephen Phinney Part 2

Jeff Volek and Stephen Phinney Interview Part 2

What If Fat is the Solution? Drs. Volek & Phinney Reveal Secrets of The Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance. An Exclusive Interview by Dana Carpender Part 2 of 2.

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Beginning Or Restarting A Low-Carb Diet

Beginning Or Restarting A Low Carb Diet

Perhaps you splurged over the holidays and are now having a difficult time getting back on track with your low carb WOE (Way Of Eating). Or, perhaps, you looked in the mirror and decided, "It's time to lose that weight!" And after considerable research, you have decided to go the low carb route. Regardless of your reasons, here you are, confronting the Dreaded Diet!

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Did Ancel Keys Help Make Us Fat? by Dana Carpender

Right now, half of you are saying, "Well, of course, duh." My guess is you know the rest of what I'm going to say, so you could go look at LOLCats instead. (Oh, hai!) The rest of you are saying "Ancel Keys? Who the heck is Ancel Keys?" You're the ones who need to read on, because Ancel Keys has profoundly influenced your life, and the lives of everyone you love - or hate, or are indifferent to - and not for the better. Ancel Keys was the teller of one of the most damaging lies in the history of human kind. Ancel Keys is the man who convinced the world that saturated fat is dangerous.

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High Blood Pressure and the Low Carbohydrate Diet

Ketogenic Diets Effectively Lower Blood Pressure by Dana Carpender

There are many things that happen to your body to cause your blood pressure to increase. I have been asking this question of physicians that I know, and the consensus is that they feel that obesity is a much greater risk factor than any diet. They would prefer that their patients lost the weight on a low carbohydrate diet and just monitored their blood pressure to make sure that it did not get dangerously high. There was also a general consensus that they actually saw their patients' blood pressures decrease when they followed a low carbohydrate regime.

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