Jess from Wisconsin is 18 years old and follows the Atkins program. Jess is 5' 5" tall and has gone from 225 pounds to 145 pounds! Jess' goal weight is 120. (Please note that her after picture above was taken when Jess weighed 158 pounds; Jess has lost an additional 13 pounds since that picture was taken!)
Read More »Fats And Oils
I have recently been asked, "What are the best fats to be using in our low carbohydrate diet?" It's a good question!
Read More »Dietary Fats – Getting to The Official Opinion
Dietary dogma about Dietary Fats came about despite the fact that there was very little evidence connecting diet to heart disease, and despite the concern of some scientists that eating too little fat could also have harmful effects. The media being what it is, it pushed all the scientific criticisms aside, and stood behind the simple, easy-to-understand but incorrect idea that less fat equals longer life. The government publishes the US Department of Agriculture's booklet on dietary guidelines every 5 years, and so far the well-known Food Pyramid still recommends that fats and oils be eaten "sparingly." Article 15 of the Science of Low-Carb & Keto Diets series.
Read More »PJ From Illinois’ Low Carb Success Story
PJ from Illinois is 43 years old and has followed the Somersize program since February of 2001. Her weight has dropped from 313 pounds to 191 pounds. (That's 122 pounds in just ten months!) PJ is well on her way to her goal of weight of 150 pounds.
Read More »Ron Moshier’s Low Carb Success Story
Ron Moshier is from Minnesota and winters in Texas. Ron is 6' tall, and follows the Atkins program. He has used low carbing to lose from his top weight of 260 pounds down to a trim 180 pounds. Ron's waist size has shrunk from a 44 to a 34!
Read More »Vonnie From Australia’s Low Carb Success Story
Vonnie from Australia is 34 years old and has gone from 245 pounds to 154 pounds, just 9 pounds short of her goal weight of 145. She has dropped from a size 22 to a size 10 on her way to her goal size of 8.
Read More »Joanne From Leeds’ Low Carb Success Story
Joanne from Leeds in the UK is 28 years old. She started low carbing in January of 2000, and has been at it ever since. Joanne follows the Atkins program and is currently just below her goal weigh at 117 pounds. She has gone from a US size 14/16 to a US size 6/8.
Read More »Connie From Ohio’s Low Carb Success Story
Connie from Ohio is 31. She started the Atkins Plan in May of 1998, but told me, "It's since been tweaked so much it's more like a hybrid plan of my own." Connie has gone from 244 pounds to 169 pounds, and from a size 24 to a 12!
Read More »Jen From Maryland’s Low Carb Success Story
Jen from Maryland is 27 years old. Jen has been following the Atkins program since November 5, 1999, nearly 2 years now. Jen has lost 64.5 pounds dropping from 284 pounds to a current weight of 219.5 pounds, and still losing on her way to her goal of 160 pounds! She has shrunk from a size 26 to an 18! "I don't have a goal size," Jen said. "I have a goal weight. When I get there, I will be the right size."
Read More »A New Day And New Priorities: Being Prepared For The Unforeseen
In the wake of September 11th, many of us are thinking about disaster preparations, things we can do to prepare ourselves for the unforeseen. Foremost in our minds at this time are terrorist attacks, of course, but there are other kinds of disasters, too. Many of us live in areas that are prone to earthquakes, forest fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, or lengthy power outages.
Read More »Life in the Low Carb Lane articles by Di Bauer
Di Bauer, CarbSmart's editor, offers her view of low carbing and helpful tips to make low carbing easier and more productive.
Read More »Lori From Illinois’ Low Carb Success Story
Lori from Illinois is 26 years old. "I started Atkins on January. 3, 2001," she told me. "I guess I don't follow the plan as strictly as others do; I kind of do my own version, you could say." Lori began her journey weighing 266 pounds and wore a size 26 at that time. Just nine months later, Lori weighs 181 pounds. That's fourteen pounds lighter than she is in her 'during' picture! She now wears a size 12/14, and is well on her way to her goal weight of 150 pounds.
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