
Bad Things Come in Small (Sugar) Packages, Too

Sugars in foods

The amount of sugar (or really glucose, technically speaking) is tightly regulated in the human bloodstream. A normal blood sugar (glucose) is under 100 mg/dL, and when the sugar rises to between 100 mg/dL to 125 mg/dL the serious medical conditions of glucose intolerance, pre-diabetes are diagnosed. Once above 125 mg/dL diabetes is diagnosed. As more research is done, the optimal blood glucose number goes lower and lower. The bottom line is you want to keep the blood sugar as low as you can for optimal health.

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10 Unexpected Health Benefits Of Nutritional Ketosis Besides Weight Loss

Healthy Fats Avocado

It’s been a spectacular journey over these past year, testing the concept of nutritional ketosis on myself. What started out as a simple n=1 experiment to learn if a very high-fat, moderate protein, very low-carbohydrate nutritional approach could make a impact on my weight and health once a traditional Atkins or Paleo-style diet wasn’t working for me anymore, has now become much more than that.

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6 Reasons to Attend the Ancestral Health Symposium in 2014

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

6 Reasons to Attend the Ancestral Health Symposium in 2014: I've been a CrossFit athlete for close to two years and I consider myself an evolutionary eater for the purposes of health and performance. To say I was very excited to attend this conference is an understatement. I had never heard of AHS before the publishers of CarbSmart asked me to attend, but one look at the website and I was sold.

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Bologna Meter: Alzheimer’s Bologna

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 5 July 2013

Bologna Meter: Alzheimer's Bologna. A new study made a splash in the media recently – the splash coming in the form of headlines like these: Saturated Fat May Make the Brain Vulnerable to Alzheimer's and How a High Fat Diet Increases Alzheimer's Risk. Holy moly! Saturated fat causes Alzheimer’s?! I’d throw away all my sausage, except I can’t remember where I put it.

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More Than Skin Deep: Welcome the self-confidence that comes with feeling great in your own skin

CarbSmart Magazine June 2013

More Than Skin Deep by Sagdrina Jalal in the June 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine. Welcome the self-confidence that comes with feeling great in your own skin.

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