
Laura From Arizona’s Low Carb Success Story

Laura from Arizona is 56 years old. Laura follows Dr. Atkins' program for the most part, but occasionally does a couple days of the Stillman plan. Laura's current weight is 196 pounds, down 56 pounds from her pre-low carb weight of 246! When Laura began low carbing, she wore size 22/24, and told me that now her size 18s and larges are loose!

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Vitamins & Supplements Part 1: The Minimum You Should Be Taking

This article is aimed at the first category of people, those who dislike taking vitamins, minerals, and supplements. I will be discussing the minimum vitamins, minerals, and supplements I feel everyone (not just low carbers) should be taking. I will also examine several of the readily available brands of multivitamins currently on the market, and will provide you with a chart for comparison.

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Gerald And Linda From New York’s Low Carb Success Story

Gerald and Linda from New York have both reached their goal weights by following a low carbohydrate lifestyle. Gerald follows the Atkins program, and Linda, who started with Atkins and then switched to CAD (The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet), is now back to Atkins.

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Theresa From Florida’s Low Carb Success Story

Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

Theresa from Florida is 5' 4" tall and 43 years old. She has been following the Atkins program since mid-September of 2001, and already lost 40 pounds, dropping from her high weight of 260 pounds down to 220 pounds. Last September Theresa wore a size 26, but she is now wearing 18/20s!

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Mary From California’s Low Carb Success Story

Mary from California is 37 years old, 5' 10" tall, and has been following the Atkins program since July of 2001. She has lost 59 pounds, dropping from 200 pounds to 143 pounds. Mary has reached her goal weight, and has reduced her dress size from a 16 to a 4/6!

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