On the heels of the release of Eric Oliver's controversial book Fat Politics which claims the "obesity epidemic" is just one big conspiracy theory comes this Scotsman column about the kind of world we would have if people genuinely stopped caring about being overweight or obese.
Read More »Cells ‘Remembered’ Being Fat Even After Weight Loss, Study Shows
Now I think I've heard it all about why overweight and obese Americans can't seem to lose weight. It's their muscle's fault! This Newsday article points to a new study that found the muscles of obese people have been altered genetically to essentially gather fat even after weight loss.
Read More »Is The “Total Wellbeing Diet” A Good Low-Carb Option?
There's a new diet coming out of Australia that is all the buzz right now in that country as well as the UK. It's called the "Total Wellbeing Diet" and was developed by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) researchers Dr. Manny Noakes and Dr. Peter Clifton to help people enjoy the speedy benefits of the Atkins diet in combination with the health results provided by the glycemic index (GI) diet.
Read More »Study Affirms Breakfast Really Is Most Important Meal Of The Day
We have heard it over the course of our entire lives that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now there is new evidence that suggests this traditional adage passed off by many doctors as healthy advice for generations is actually true.
Read More »What Is Considered Healthy Low-Carb Eating?
What is considered healthy low-carb eating? This topic is very debatable, even within low-carb circles, and that’s why I wanted to write about such an important subject. As someone who used to be a big, fat slob weighing in at 410 pounds, I think I know a little something about …
Read More »Yoga Makes People More Aware of Their Bodies, Practitioners Say
The slow stretches and meditations of yoga don't burn calories like a run on the treadmill. But a new study suggests it might help people keep weight off in middle age.
Read More »New Survey Results Show Athletes More Carb-Conscious Than Average Consumers
The age old myth of loading up on carbs to achieve a high-energy performance may no longer be the preferred nutrition choice for athletes. New research presented at the 2005 International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference and Symposium found that more athletes are choosing to control carbohydrates to preserve lean body mass and improve body composition for an enhanced workout performance.
Read More »Karen Rysavy from Colorado Low Carb Success Story
Karen Rysavy from Colorado is 38 years old and 5'11 inches tall. Karen started low carbing in 2000 doing a combination of Atkins and Protein Power but since that time has studied most of the popular low carb plans out there and implemented parts of each (the parts that worked for her) into her own personal Way of Eating. She began at 271 pounds and wearing size 24/26 and is now 210 and wearing 14/18. Karen revised her goal of a size 12 and 185 pounds to "happy and healthy". A very important goal for Karen, one which she has REACHED!
Read More »Living Low-Carb: The Complete Guide To Long-Term Dieting by Fran McCullough
With foolproof strategies for controlling binges and cravings, invaluable tips on eating in restaurants, guidelines for dealing with sudden weight gain, and more than 175 delicious new recipes, "Living Low-Carb" is a godsend for the millions of American dieters now dedicated to the low-carb lifestyle.
Read More »Cindy from Maine’s Low Carb Success Story
Cindy from Maine is 45 years old and 5'6 inches tall. In October, Cindy will have been following the Atkins program for four years. She has gone from 239 pounds and a size 24 to 147 pounds and a size 14. Cindy's goal is to weigh 135 and wear size 10's.
Read More »Norma From Nova Scotia’s Low Carb Success Story
Norma from Nova Scotia is 54 years old and 5' 6" tall. Norma began the Atkins program in July of 1999 after being introduced to it a month earlier by her friend, Joya. She began low carbing weighing 175 pounds and wearing size 18. She reached her goal of 125 pounds in late December of 1999.
Read More »How To Use Protein Powder
How To Use Protein Powder for cooking and baking article by Rani Merens at CarbSmart Magazine.
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