
Carpender Column Demands Low-Carb Respect

Dana Carpender Books and Cookbooks CarbSmart

Well, something must have happened since the calendar flipped to 2007 because the Dana Carpender of old is back! This is the one who boldly champions livin' la vida low-carb using her bully pulpit national column to do so. It's good to see she has returned to the roots of where she began because Dana Carpender without "low-carb" is like SpongeBob without SquarePants (now there's a visual for ya!).

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No Apologies Necessary by Joan O’Connell Hedman

As I approached writing this column, I felt a pang of embarrassment. How many times could I admit to you just how often I over-buy fresh produce? (I can't help it, it's so tempting!) Would readers be OK with how often I crib recipe ideas from others? But then I realized there is no shame in this.

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Eating Fat Improves Mental Health Study Finds

Healthy Fats Avocado

Why so sad? You know, you really need to start eating more fat! A new study presented at the 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society in Denver, Colorado has concluded that an increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids could play a role in improving overall state of mind, controlling mood swings and diminishing erratic and sometimes suicidal behavior.

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Study: Eating Eggs Lowers Calorie Consumption

Low Carb Breakfast Variety - Alternatives to I'm Sick Of Eggs

A new study out of Canada reveals something about a popular breakfast food that people who are livin' la vida low-carb already know about. Published in the lastest issue of Journal of the American College of Nutrition, the study found that eating just 2 eggs for breakfast helps keep people satisfied longer than a small bagel does because of the high amount of protein contained in them. As a result, study participants had less hunger and actually took in fewer calories over the next full day as a result.

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