
Low Carbers Love Pork by Dana Carpender

Several years back, when I was writing for United Media, I wrote a column about pork. I mentioned that it is both the most popular meat on earth, and one of the most controversial. In societies with food taboos, pork is one of the meats most likely to be shunned. And even among folks who have no religious constrictions against particular foods, pork is often thought of as a guilty pleasure, something that's tasty, but not really good for us. Heart attack on a plate and all that.

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Plan Your Low-Carb Super Bowl Party by Dana Carpender

Confession: I am perhaps the only person in the entire state of Indiana who will not be watching the Colts play in the Super Bowl next weekend. It's partly that I simply find football - and other games - dull, and so does That Nice Boy I Married. It's also because having worked with some pro-footballers in my career as a massage therapist, I know all too well just exactly what they're doing to their bodies. I can't watch all those 300 pound guys run sideways into each other's knees. Ouch.

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Review: The 6 Week Cure for the Middle Aged Middle by Amy Dungan

As we approach those middle years, we realize things are changing. Some are no big deal. Most people can handle a little grey here and there. And those little noises your body makes when you get out of bed each morning – nothing a little stretching can’t take care of, right? But what about that unexplained bulge starting to form around your midsection? Despite healthy eating and regular exercise, you may find you still have an unwanted spare tire. Doctors Mike and Mary Dan Eades have the solution for you.

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Do We Need So Much Fiber? by Dana Carpender

For quite some time now I have made a name and a some-time living as a nutritional heretic. I don't believe in a "balanced diet," I think animal fat and cholesterol are among the most healthful foods, I consider fruit juice to be little better than soda pop, I'm all for cutting whole categories of food out of my diet. Here's my latest heresy: I am unconvinced of the value of fiber.

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Is Pumpkin Low Carb? Includes Low Carb Chili Lime Pumpkin Seed Recipe

Dana Carpender shares the many ways pumpkin can fit into a low carb diet including her Low Carb Chili Lime Pumpkin Seed recipe. If your only experience with pumpkin has to do with jack-o-lanterns and high-carb pie, rethink this tasty vegetable. Pumpkin is lower carb than most winter squashes, and one of the best sources of pro-vitamin A around.

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Mmmmm…Bacon… The Many, Many Joys of Bacon by Dana Carpender

The best perk of my job is free Low-Carb food. Manufacturers send me samples, hoping I'll like their products well enough to mention them. Andrew here at sends me food to try. And one year, my publisher subscribed me to the Bacon of the Month Club. I swear I'm not making that up. What a great gift! A new variety of small-farm, boutique, gourmet bacon every month.

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Dana Carpender Does Politics – Food Politics That Is

I have, over the years, resolutely kept my political views out of my writing about carb-controlled nutrition. Not that I don't have such views, you understand. I'm just as opinionated in that part of my life as I am about food. I just had this mental image of someone with severe metabolic syndrome reading my work, finding some political view he or she disagreed with, and saying, "I'm not going to listen to anything that nutcase says!" After which, of course, they'd get their feet amputated and go blind from diabetic complications, and it would all be my fault. Or at least partly my fault.

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