
Big Train Low Carb Spiced Chai 2 lb. Tub

Big Train Low Carb Spiced Chai

Chai tea is a drink that awakens your spirit and your senses; Chai Tea was originally prepared only for Indian royalty and involved a long, laborious process. Big Train does the work for you. Simply add a scoop of Big Train Low Carb Spiced Chai to hot water, stir and enjoy!

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Is The “Total Wellbeing Diet” A Good Low-Carb Option?

There's a new diet coming out of Australia that is all the buzz right now in that country as well as the UK. It's called the "Total Wellbeing Diet" and was developed by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) researchers Dr. Manny Noakes and Dr. Peter Clifton to help people enjoy the speedy benefits of the Atkins diet in combination with the health results provided by the glycemic index (GI) diet.

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Sex And Food

There are certain instinctive drives that all human beings share. Hunger is one of them. Eating is necessary for our survival as individuals, so we eat. We can't live without eating, so the drive to eat is hardwired into our psyches. As individuals, we can live without sex, but as a species we cannot, so that drive is also hardwired into our psyche.

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Thomas From Dublin’s Low Carb Success Story

Low-Carb Diet Success Stories

Thomas from Dublin, Ireland, is 41 years old and 5' 7 1/2" tall. Thomas has been following the Optimal Nutrition low carbohydrate diet by Jan Kwasniewski for 10 months, and has dropped from 95kg and a size 44 waist to 80kg and a 34 waist. Thomas' goal weight is 78-80kg.

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A Letter From Santa About Starting the Atkins Diet

Thank you very much for your thoughtful letter. After having checked my list (twice, even!), I see that you have been mostly good this year, despite that incident where you incited that riot. Since you felt that you where acting in everyone's best interests, I'm sure that we can let that one incident slide this year. Rest assured that I will be able to provide you with the majority of the items on your wish list, with the exception of this Winona Ryder person you wish for me to leave under your tree. We here at S. Clause Incorporated have strict rules against slavery of any kind, and feel that Ms. Ryder would not appreciate your request that she be wearing only two things: BUCK and NEKID. Need I remind you of the restraining order that Ms. Ryder requested last year for Christmas?

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Meg’s Low Carb Success Story – UPDATED!!

I'm currently hovering around 240 pounds," says Meg, "and still hope to lose another 50 to 60. My panniculectomy surgery (removal of the abdominal "apron" of skin) only took off 17 pounds, not the 30 that the surgeon estimated, but I'm okay with that, and I've lost a bit more on my own, though the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like due to the fact that I'm building muscle. I do have some hernias from previous surgeries which will have to be repaired at some point, so with luck my insurance will pay for a tummy tuck."

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