
New Year’s Resolutions: There’s Always A Fresh Start If You’re Willing To Take It

There’s Always A Fresh Start If You’re Willing To Take It

Ah, the start of the new year... What could be better? It's a fresh slate, a clean sweep, and you can't help feeling hopeful. No matter how good (or bad) last year was, there is always the potential for this coming year to be better. Choosing your New Year's Resolutions.

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Time Now for Commercial Break #3 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… So…What Happens When You Lose Your Motivation? Part II

By August 18, 2001, weighing in at 255 pounds (down from 380), I was to meet The Captain for the first time, and I was a wreck. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I knew I hadn't lost enough weight to make a good impression on him. And I was sick to my stomach because it wasn't enough. I knew in my heart that it would never be enough, and I would not acknowledge that fact.

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Time Now for Commercial Break #2 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Tattooist’s

Something you, Dear Reader, must understand about the articles you've read thus far is that they were written over a 2-and-a-half-year time frame. These are the stories and essays I've written along my journey. They are not what is happening to me right now, in real time. So in the interests of catching up, we pause now for another commercial break in the past to present fairly real-time experiences. The episodes you will read from now on will be in real time.

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Time Now for Commercial Break #1 in the Ongoing Saga of Delilah’s Mirror… So…What Happens When You Lose Your Motivation? Part I

In February of 2002, I reached a milestone mini-goal: 232. However, it was hard-won (the hardest yet), and I bounced around for 3 months between very strict paleo/antiyeast and regular Atkins.

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Dieting By “Blocking” Starch And “Blocking” Fat

The idea that starch or fat can be blocked from digestion appears to be an appealing idea. For the past thirty or more years, these products have come to the forefront periodically with promises for a new generation of overweight people. Each time they come on the market, they offer up suggestions that you can eat what you want so long as you take their product. The product, so goes the promise, will protect you from the consequences of eating the blocked food group.

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Low-Carb Lifestyle Vital Information by Dr. Beth Gruber

Low-Carb Lifestyle Vital Information by Dr. Beth Gruber

Dr. Gruber is a graduate of the Southern California University of Health Sciences, and has been in private chiropractic practice in Long Beach, California since 1964. She also received both a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree from California State University at Long Beach. She has written on health-related subjects for over 30 years, for several different publications. She lives in Southern California with her husband of 33 years. Both she and her husband follow and live the low carb lifestyle full time.

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