
Dietary Detours: Getting Your Low Carb Lifestyle Back on Track

Dietary Detours Naples Pizza

If you've taken a wild turn, let today be the day you get your low carb diet back on track. Feel great about your food choices and leave the detour behind you. Ramona Denton offers suggestions to get back on the path you've mapped out for greater health and well-being.

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Giving Thanks for Low Carb Living

Dr. Eric Westman

As you sit down to a Thanksgiving dinner with your family and delicious low carb foods, take a moment to consider how the low carb lifestyle has changed your life! Dr. Eric Westman, co-author of Cholesterol Clarity and The New Atkins for a New You shares what he is thankful for as he looks at the evolution of the low carb lifestyle.

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Helpful Hints for the Hurried Low Carber

Helpful Hints for the Hurried Low Carber

Whether you are a dedicated physician with a thriving private practice; a factory worker on shifts and exhausted from overtime, or a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom returning from a long day at the zoo, the need to be nourished is inescapable. Throw a special eating plan into the confusion – your low carb diet – and the panic may become all-consuming. With just a few simple suggestions, you can turn those dreaded moments of desperation into food-filled victories.

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Return To Routine in Your Low Carb Lifestyle

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013

Lack of routine can be a major barrier to wellness. Daily living provides a lot of distractions; it is difficult to function optimally without a well-scripted plan. Think about the healthy and fit people you know. Do they have a fairly set schedule for their workouts? Are their meals and periods of rest considered in advance?

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