CarbSmart Magazine Issue 09 January 2014: Induction & Low Carb Resolutions

CarbSmart Magazine January 2014 Issue

Andrew’s Desk: Happy New Year from the entire CarbSmart team!

We hope 2013 was a successful year in your Paleo or low carb lifestyle and we’re here to help you make 2014 even better.

As with any January health publication, this month is about resolutions and new beginnings with your low carb lifestyle.

Because I have been a low carber since 1998, mine are simple.

  • Use up the last of the Splenda in my house and switch to stevia exclusively.
  • Include ½ hour of meditation and 1 hour of walking into my routine every day (consistently).
  • Help 5 friends or relatives switch to the low carb lifestyle for better health and weight loss.

Resolutions aren’t always about big changes–sometimes it’s about small tweaks and maintaining consistency. Perfect advice for your low carb lifestyle weight loss.

Fat Fast CookbookThis month, I’m most proud to present the low carb success story of our own Rebecca Latham, co-author of the Fat Fast Cookbook. I met Rebecca at Dana Carpender’s 2012 Meet & Greet in Bloomington, IN and was immediately impressed with her. Rebecca knew that her 23 pounds of fat loss through the low carb lifestyle was significant but she didn’t realize that her low carb success could be an inspiration to so many people. Yes, some people lose 50, 100, 200, or more pounds on low carb but not everyone needs to have such a dramatic weight loss to feel happy, healthy and an inspiration to others. I was so impressed with Rebecca, that when we came up with the idea for the Fat Fast Cookbook, I knew she would make a great addition to the low carb team. Rebecca knows it’s not just about weight loss.

Rebecca, keep shining and keep inspiring.

Other low carb articles in the January 2014 Issue:

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Refusing Holiday Food & Staying Low-Carb

ENCORE: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23

CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb can be tough at first but you can do it to avoid the Food Pushers. The holidays are straight ahead, and with them piles and piles of carby junk, and worse, people nagging you to eat the stuff. Why so many people think that saying things like "But you have to eat it! It's traditional!" and "I worked all afternoon making it just for you" constitutes an expression of holiday goodwill, I have no idea, but sadly this behavior is all too common. You need to think ahead about how to respond to this sort of thing.


  1. I’ve tried for 30 minutes to get access to CarbSmart magazine, but it just keeps sending me to iTunes and I don’t want to get it there. How do I get to your magazine?????

    • Jack:

      CarbSmart Magazine is a digital Magazine for the iPad. There will also be an Amazon Kindle and Google Play version soon.

      We do produce a downloadable PDF version that you can read on multiple computers but we have not finished the conversion yet.

      We wish we could produce a print edition but the cost is prohibitive.
