CarbSmart Magazine Issue 06: September 2013: Cholesterol Clarity & Breast Cancer Awareness

CarbSmart Magazine Issue 06: Now Available in iTunes Newsstand
September 2013: Cholesterol Clarity & Breast Cancer Awareness

CarbSmart Magazine App for iPad Newsstand Now Includes the Premiere Issue: March 2013 FREE if you haven’t purchased it yet.

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 IssueDownloadable PDF version to be available soon.

September is the time of year when the weather starts to get cooler, the sun streaks across the sky a little less each day and low carbers think about refocusing their low carb dieting efforts. Maybe some of us were a little lax during the summer or we enjoyed the summer fruits a little too often. Fear not, today is a good day to refine your eating and exercise plans for a healthy fall. Cholesterol is less of a worry because of Jimmy Moore…

In the September 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine available now in the iTunes Newsstand, we examine Jimmy Moore’s new book Cholesterol Clarity and National Breast Cancer Month. The CarbSmart Magazine App now includes the Premiere issue, March 2013: Fat Fast FREE. Just make sure you go to the Library in the App and click on the March 2013 issue.

We didn’t stop working over the summer and here are some of the highlights we have for you this month:


Interview with Jimmy Moore and Dr. Eric Westman about Cholesterol Clarity By Dana Carpender

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 Cholesterol Clarity InterviewIn this month’s feature article, Dana Carpender asks the authors why they wrote the book and where all the misinformation came from that led us to this state.

Breast Cancer Awareness: Breast Wishes for a Cancer Free Life By Susie T. Gibbs

The world is divided into three types of people: Those who think it can never happen to them; those whose lives are dominated by the specter that “they could be next;” and those who’ve just said, “Oh my goodness, no! Now what do I do?” Which one are you?

6 Reasons to Attend the Ancestral Health Symposium By Sagdrina Jalal

I’ve been a CrossFit athlete for close to two years and I consider myself an evolutionary eater for the purposes of health and performance. To say I was very excited to attend this conference is an understatement. I had never heard of AHS before the publishers of CarbSmart asked me to attend, but one look at the website and I was sold.

10 Freshest Foods of September by Dana Carpender

Dana put together her Top 10 go-to foods to celebrate the joys of September.

A Rebel Among Skeptics in the Low Carb World By Ed Stockly

I was a skeptic before I started my low-carb diet and I have a skeptic to this day. What I learned is that even some of the best skeptics and scientists make many of the very same errors in their own logic and reasoning that they spot in the arguments of charlatans and quacks.

Top 10 Nutrition Myths From the Department of Food Disinformation By Adele Hite

Many types of pollution clutter our environment, but none are as insidious or inescapable as Food Information Pollution. Here’s your “Top Ten” shortcut through the “everyone knows” and “science says” thicket.

Feature Departments

Worth It?

Low Carb Restaurant Review: Outback Steakhouse by Ed Stockly

learn not to be disappointed when a restaurant doesn’t meet my expectations of a good selection of food for the low-carb high-fat dieter. But it seems that every time I visit a new restaurant, even if I like the food served, it comes up short. Outback Steakhouse is no exception.

Book Review: Peace, Love, and Low Carb By Dana Carpender

What’s good about the cookbook Peace, Love, and Low Carb by Kyndra Holley? First of all, the recipes are great. Kyndra has come up with a wide and imaginative array of dishes so it’s hard to decide what to try first.

Book Review: If Naturopaths Are Quacks… Then I Guess I’m A Duck By Amy Dungan

The title of this book gave me a good chuckle. Why wouldn’t anyone believe in a nutrition-based, natural approach to health and healing? It seems we are fixated on the idea that health must come in the form of a pill or some other expensive method, often less effective than simpler approaches.


Dana’s Kitchen: Tomatoes By Dana Carpender

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 TomatoesTomatoes are not carb-free, indeed, I consider them a “borderline” vegetable. How better to spend my daily carb allowance?

Fresh and Seasonal: Paleo Tuna “Noodle” Casserole By Caitlin Weeks

When I was a kid, my step-mom made us a huge homemade tuna casserole a few times a month; it was a favorite in our house. The problem was it was full of white noodles. I have found a way to recreate this dish with much healthier Paleo ingredients.

Fresh and Seasonal: Beef-Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms with Goat Cheese By Caitlin Weeks

This recipe is great for back-to-school. You can make the stuffing the night before to save time, then just pop it in the oven for a quick meal that the whole family will love.

Eat What?

A Guide to Jicama for the Low Carb Dieter By Vanessa Romero

Jicama, pronounced “hee-ka-ma,” is a root vegetable native to Mexico. It is a member of the morning glory family and is related to the sweet potato, but more closely resembles water chestnuts in color, texture, and flavor. With 5g net carbs per cup of raw jicama, it makes a relatively lower carb alternative.

Budget Low Carb: Breast Cancer Busting Meals By Susie T. Gibbs

September is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and CarbSmart’s BLC brings you great tasting, budget friendly breast-cancer-busting recipes bursting with flavor.

Healthy Living

Q&A: Ask the Low Carb Doctor with Dr. Jim Carlson

Each month, Board Certified Family Physician and Nutritional Biochemist answers your questions about making your low carb lifestyle a success.

Exercise Reward and Motivation By Kent Altena

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 Exercise Reward and MotivationSummer is coming to an end, and as the days get shorter and cooler it can become more difficult to maintain the zeal for exercise you had earlier in the season. No longer can nights or evenings be dedicated to working out, since your kids might have a concert or sporting event to attend or need to be picked up from an event. All these distractions make working out more difficult. So, how do you stay motivated to work out in the face of mounting demands on your time?

Return To Routine in Your Low Carb Lifestyle: Reading, Writing and Routines By Sagdrina Jalal

Lack of routine can be a major barrier to wellness. Daily living provides a lot of distractions; it is difficult to function optimally without a well-scripted plan. Think about the healthy and fit people you know. Do they have a fairly set schedule for their workouts? Are their meals and periods of rest considered in advance?

Back To School Nutrition Tips for the Low Carb Family By Misty Humphrey

Whether you send your children to a public, private or charter school, or happened to be one of those brave homeschooling parents, meal organization is imperative for harmony in the family, but most importantly for the success of the student. You or your family’s low carb or Paleo lifestyle will fit right in.

Helpful Hints for the Hurried Low Carber By April Bradford

Whether you are a dedicated physician with a thriving private practice; a factory worker on shifts and exhausted from overtime, or a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom returning from a long day at the zoo, the need to be nourished is inescapable. Throw a special eating plan into the confusion – your low carb diet – and the panic may become all-consuming. With just a few simple suggestions, you can turn those dreaded moments of desperation into food-filled victories.

Somatopsychic Health & Wellness: “It’s All In Your Head” By Dana Carpender

In mid-20th-century America this was a common diagnosis. While it is now widely excepted that stress plays a part in illness, the notion of purely psychogenic disease has fallen out of favor.

Fruits & Roots: What We’re Doing with This Year’s Crop by Keith Johnson

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 Fruits and RootsA long, cool, and wet spring (in South Indiana) means my garden is exhibiting characteristics of the forest. Rampant growth and heavy flowering made this a year for an abundance of fruits and root vegetables.

Natural Breast Care: Putting Your Health in Your Hands By Sagdrina Jalal

When it comes to breast health, a lot of emphasis is put on cancer treatment. Words like “survivor” and “early detection” are common this time of year. What is discussed less frequently is prevention. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that 38% of breast cancer in the United States could be prevented with diet, physical exercise, and weight management.

Low Carb Success Story Amber Rice-Manella

Amber, a mother in Reading, PA, found that losing weight gave her a freedom she never experienced before, especially since she’s been battling her weight since childhood.

Kitchen Table Wisdom

Each month, you, our faithful readers, share your best tips and tricks about living the low carb lifestyle.


Diabetes, Red Meat, and a Load of Bologna by Tom Naughton

CarbSmart Magazine September 2013 Diabetes Red Meat and BolognaHere we go again with another “Read Meat Kills!” study. This month, Tom Naughton points his bologna meter at the headlines and another study of misinterpreted facts.

Dana’s Carpender’s Low Carb Anniversary – The 33% Report By Dana Carpender

I dropped the carbs from my diet the day after Labor Day 1995. I would have started a few days earlier, but I invited a bunch of people over for a Labor Day cookout, and already started making the food. So I consider the Tuesday after Labor Day my LowCarbiversary. It’s been 18 years I’ve been eating this way, and since I’m 54 – 55 in October – that means I’ve been low carb for exactly one third of my life – that’s 33%.

Food For Thought: What Will Your Kids Eat For Lunch When They Go Back To School? by Shauna Young

Summer is over and it’s time to get the kiddos back to school. In all the hustle–bustle of equipping them with new clothes, books, school supplies and backpacks, I want to emphasize one chore that often gets lost in the mix: What are they going to eat for lunch?

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ENCORE: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23

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