CarbSmart Magazine Issue 07 October 2013: Low Carb Halloween? Yes You Can!

Andrew’s Desk

Highlights from the October 2013 Issue of CarbSmart Magazine
Andrew DiMino at His Desk

How many times has Halloween gotten in the way of your best-laid low carb plans? You commit to the low carb lifestyle. You learn to avoid temptation. You’ve even gotten comfortable eating at the same table as your non-low carb co-workers. But there’s something about the sugary pitfalls of Halloween that you just can’t resist. This month’s issue of CarbSmart Magazine is going to help you change all of that.

CarbSmart Magazine October 2013
The October 2013 issue of CarbSmart Magazine now available in iTunes Newsstand.

In this issue, we’re focusing on all the good things that come with the fall season, including surviving Halloween. In Avoid the Trick of the Treat – Halloween Low Carb Style, Misty Humphrey shows us some of the many ways you can celebrate a low carb Halloween without giving in to harmful treats that only trick your stomach for a short time. John Furkin takes us on a tour of the Hidden Garden, with tips on enjoying everything the fall harvest has to offer this year. Vanessa Romero and Sagdrina Jalal are keeping you active this month with Is Sitting Destroying Your Health? and Yoga Misconceptions in a Modern World. Speaking of staying active, Valerie Berkowitz motivates us to Never Stop Training, Exercising or Being Active.

Dana Carpender is enjoying a sabbatical from the magazine for the next few months while she works on some of her signature cookbooks for CarbSmart and Fairwinds Press. Amy Dungan brings you this month’s CarbSmart recipes, including three low carb Hearty Autumn Meals, while Grass-Fed Girl Caitlin Weeks shows you how to prepare her Low Carb / Paleo Chicken Pot Pie.

Tom Naughton is back in this month’s CarbSmart Magazine with his Balogna Meter, examining where the Banting Bashing is coming from (hmm…could it be…VEGANS?).

The authors of Cholesterol Clarity each have an article for us this month that continues their great work surrounding the truth behind the Cholesterol scare. In Bad Things Can Come in Small Packages, Too Eric Westman, M.D. shows us the importance of monitoring and lowering our blood sugar levels, while Jimmy Moore exposes 5 ‘Heart-Healthy’ Products That Are Damaging Your Health.

In CarbSmart news, we’ve finally released the paperback version of Fat Fast Cookbook. It’s 100 pages of recipes, helpful tips, and photos of your favorite dishes. It’s available from both CarbSmart and

We’re very excited about this issue. Thanks for choosing CarbSmart to spend part of your autumn low carb journey with us.

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