CarbSmart Magazine Issue 03: May 2013: Low Carb Picnics & Cookouts

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of May 2013 Issue of CarbSmart
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131 Pages
Articles by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, Ed Stockly, Susie T. Gibbs, Tracey Rollison, Misty Humphrey, and many more.

Also includes 24 low carb/high fat recipes.


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CarbSmart Magazine Issue 03: May 2013
Low Carb Picnics & Cookouts:


HOW TO SMOKE A SLAB OF RIBS THAT WILL MAKE A GROWN MAN WEEP by Dana Carpender You know you love ‘em — hot, smokey, falling-off-the-bone tender ribs, perfectly seasoned. But how to get them that way? Dana reveals the simple art of turning pork and wood chips into sheer ambrosia. Plus she shares her favorite rub recipe!

LOSE YOURSELF! BASKET CASE: 3 DREAMY LOW CARB PICNICS by Tracey Rollison What could be more fun than sharing a basket of delicious food on the beach or at the park? Forget the sandwiches and chips — Tracey Rollison gives you ideas (and recipes!) for crowd-pleasing picnics from the casual to the elegantly impressive. Bonus: You can entertain without cleaning the house!

RAMONA’S ROAD—LOW CARBING ON THE ROAD by Ramona Denton Low carber Ramona Denton has spent the past two years touring America on a motorcycle and cruising to — well, everywhere! Learn how she’s spent months traveling while continuing to lose weight.

LET THE PARTY COMMENCE — KID-FRIENDLY GRADUATIONS by Misty Humphrey June means graduation parties! Whether your favorite kid is graduating from elementary school, middle school, high school, or even college, Misty Humphrey will help you plan a memorable, special party — without coping with blood sugar craziness later on.

KICK-OFF SUMMER! MEMORIAL DAY — GET IN THE MOOD FOR OUTDOOR FOOD Forget June 21st. We all know that Memorial Day is the official beginning of the American summer — and the cookout season! Amy Dungan gives you some great ideas beyond the same old burgers and dogs.



PRODUCT & GADGET REVIEWS: Our Picks Of “Stuff You Gotta Try”

BOOK REVIEWS: Our Picks Of Books Well-Worth Reading

MOVIE REVIEWS: Our Movie Picks For The Discerning Low Carber

RESTAURANT REVIEWS: Our Restaurant Picks For The Dedicated Low Carber


DANA’S KITCHEN with Dana Carpender: Yesterday’s Salad Makes Today’s Dinner: Summertime is salad time, and make-ahead salads are the ultimate summer convenience food — just pull ‘em out of the fridge and serve. Dana has three unique new ideas for salads you can make yesterday!

FRESH & SEASONAL: 50 WAYS TO EAT ZUCCHINI: It’s hard to think of anything that offers a greater return on investment than a single zucchini seed. And if you plant more than one, you’ll be buried in the things! Susie T. Gibbs dishes out a wealth of new ways to use this favorite low carb summer squash.

FRESH & SEASONAL: FOR FISHERMEN (AND THEIR FAMILIES) TRUITE AU BLEU (BLUE TROUT): Love to sit by a shady stream, rod in hand? This simple, super-low-carb preparation is only for the very freshest trout — and counts as fancy French cooking!

10 BEST FOODS TO KICK OFF SUMMER From blackberries to “spatchcocked” chicken, Dana runs down the best of the season.

BUDGET LOW CARB COOKING: FEED A FAMILY OF 4 FOR UNDER $10 Pucker Up Buttercup! Lemon-O-Licious Low carb Desserts: Light* and Luscious Lemon Desserts — that won’t blow your budget. Susie T. Gibbs will dazzle you!
*By “light” we mean in flavor and carb count — not that nasty low fat stuff.


HEY DOC WITH Dr. JIM CARLSON: Can you eat too many veggies? Why isn’t low carbing working? Dr. Jim Carlson answers your thorniest questions.

FITNESS WITh FREDERICK HAHN: Strong Kids, Healthy Kids – “Spring” doesn’t just mean “the end of summer.” It’s also defined as leaping, jumping up, and otherwise moving about in a sprightly fashion. Skip the treadmill! Trainer Fred Hahn has simple and effective muscle-building exercises you and your kids can do outside in the sunshine.

FIT TO LIVE WITH KENT ALTENA: The Couch Potato Greets Spring — Getting Active Again by Kent Altena: Get up! Get out! Get off the couch! Kent Altena has great ideas for shaking off that winter torpor and revving up for the summer.

KITCHEN TABLE WISDOM: Our best resource – the Low Carb Community shares tips and ideas for making the lifestyle simpler and more effective. Join the gang!

SUCCESS STORIES WITH AMY DUNGAN: Misty Humphrey — She Vanquished Obesity & Found a Passion For Life by Amy Dungan – “That diet is okay for quick weight loss, but no one can live that way long term.” Don’t tell that to Misty Humphrey! She’s been living the low carb/paleo lifestyle for 14 years now, lost 85 pounds — and found a whole new career.

THE BOYS NEXT DOOR: Meet The Boys Next Door by Dana Carpender – Dana introduces you to her neighbors, who know more about organic gardening than — well, just about anyone. They’ll be writing for us regularly!


RESEARCH ROUND UP: OF KETONES AND CANCER: LOW CARB RESEARCH EARNS PRIZE by Dana Carpender – Dr. Eugene J. Fine and Dr. Richard Feinman win the prestigious 15th Annual John M. Kinney Award for original research in nutrition and metabolism. That’s right, it’s all about low carb nutrition, ketones, and the effect on late stage cancers in a ground-breaking study.

CHEM LAB: CAN I TEACH YOU ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY & NUTRITION IN A FEW POSTS — Part 1 by Professor Richard Feinman, PHD – Really want to understand what’s going on in your body? It comes down to chemistry. No, wait! Come back! Richard Feinman, PhD, promises to explain it clearly and concisely. C’mon, you can do this!

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ENCORE: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb – CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23

CarbSmart Podcast Episode 23: Refusing Holiday Food and Staying Low-Carb can be tough at first but you can do it to avoid the Food Pushers. The holidays are straight ahead, and with them piles and piles of carby junk, and worse, people nagging you to eat the stuff. Why so many people think that saying things like "But you have to eat it! It's traditional!" and "I worked all afternoon making it just for you" constitutes an expression of holiday goodwill, I have no idea, but sadly this behavior is all too common. You need to think ahead about how to respond to this sort of thing.