CarbSmart Magazine Issue 02: April 2013: Surprising Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diets

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of April 2013 Issue of CarbSmart
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139 Pages
Articles by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, Caitlin Weeks, Susie T. Gibbs, Jimmy Moore, and many more.

Also includes 12 low carb/high fat recipes.


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CarbSmart Magazine Issue 02: April 2013
Surprising Health Benefits of Ketogenic Diets:


WHAT IF FAT IS THE SOLUTION? Drs. Volek & Phinney reveal secrets of the Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance in an Exclusive Interview by Dana Carpender. Athletic friends telling you that sports require carb-loading? These researcher-athletes have demonstrated that’s simply not the case. Discover how a ketogenic diet can improve the results of your fitness plan.

CARBS, CALORIES & CANCER: Ketogenic Diets in Supportive Cancer Treatment: One of the selling points of low fat diets was the notion they’d prevent cancer. But cancer-cells are, by definition, glucose hogs. So what happens to them when you stop eating carbs? In an exclusive article, researcher Rainer Klement explains.

WHAT In THE HDL? 10 Unexpected Benefits of Nutritional Ketosis: Superstar Blogger and Podcaster Jimmy Moore has lost more than 70 pounds since tweaking his diet to maintain a consistently deep level of ketosis. But that’s just the beginning of the astounding benefits he’s seen.

MAD ABOUT KETO DIETS: A Mother’s Story How The Modified Atkins Diet aka MAD, helped give her epileptic son, Casey, a new life by Annette Siefert: Before there were seizure medications, there was the ketogenic diet, and it’s enjoying a renaissance. A mother tells the moving story of how the Modified Atkins Diet offered her son tremendous relief from seizures, and a shot at just being a kid.

KETOGENIC DIETS AND DEMENTIA: The ketone connection…Is It a cure?: With Alzheimer’s spiraling tragically out of control, Vicki Cash, RN shares new discoveries revealing the exciting possibility of making an end-run around damaged brain metabolism.



PRODUCT & GADGET REVIEWS: Our Picks Of “Stuff You Gotta Try”

BOOK REVIEWS: Our Picks Of Books Well-Worth Reading

MOVIE REVIEWS: Our Movie Picks For The Discerning Low Carber


DANA’S KITCHEN with Dana Carpender: Ketogenically Yours: You don’t want to drink oil. So what to eat to keep your fat intake and ketone levels high? Dana offers three new recipes – including cookies!

FRESH & SEASONAL: OKEY DOKEY ARTICHOKE-Y: This tasty thistle is in season. Caitlin Weeks gives you the nutritional info, and new ideas on how to prepare them.

FRESH & SEASONAL: PARDON ME, MA’AM, I’M JUST HERE FOR THE HALIBUT: A gourmet’s delight, halibut is in season, and may well be a bargain. Dana and Susie each offer you a fresh take on preparing this favorite fish.

12 FRESHEST SPRING FOODS Dana’s put together her Top 12 go-to foods for spring! Welcome the season with this tempting list.

BUDGET LOW CARB COOKING: FEED A FAMILY OF 4 FOR UNDER $10 You don’t have to “go on the lam” to enjoy lamb. “Lamb” and “spring” are nearly synonymous. Let Susie show you how your family can enjoy lamb without breaking the bank.


HEY DOC WITH Dr. JIM CARLSON: How many grams of protein do I need? How can I run high blood sugar on fewer than 20 grams of carbohydrate per day? Dr. Jim explains.

FIT TO LIVE WITH KENT ALTENA: How I Learned The Value Of Uncomfortable Exercise: There’s value in pushing your boundaries. Kent tells how he learned the truth of “No pain, no gain.”

KETONES: THE MISUNDERSTOOD ENERGY SOURCE: Far from being the toxin so many people believe they are, ketones are a primary fuel of the human body. Jackie Eberstein, RN explains their proven safety.

KITCHEN TABLE WISDOM: Our best resource – the Low Carb Community shares tips and ideas for making the lifestyle simpler and more effective. Join the gang!

SUCCESS STORIES WITH AMY DUNGAN: SANDI RUSSELL — She Dropped 80 Pounds & Transformed a Family – Sandi was a slim teen, but like so many women gained weight with pregnancy. Discover how this every-woman went from a size 18 to a size 6 and has kept her weight off for a decade now.


KETOGENIC DIETS EFFECTIVELY LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE: “You only lose water on that diet.” Well, no,” says Dana Carpender, “but you do lose your excess water, with exciting results for your blood pressure.”

KETOGENIC DIETS REVERSE DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY: Far from the dire warnings of kidney damage, Dana shares how the latest breakthrough mouse-study reveals that a ketogenic diet may well heal kidneys.

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