CarbSmart Magazine Issue 01: March 2013: Benefits of the Fat Fast

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of March 2013 Issue of CarbSmart
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102 Pages
Articles by Dana Carpender, Amy Dungan, Susie T. Gibbs, Jacqueline Eberstein, RN, and many more.

Also includes 15 low carb/high fat recipes.


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CarbSmart Magazine Issue 01: March 2013
Featuring “Fat Fast” & “Best of 2012” includes:



THE FAT FAST — IS IT FOR YOU? by Jacqueline Eberstein, RN: A radical, short-term strategy, the Fat Fast can break through metabolic resistance to weight loss.

BREAKING A LOW CARB WEIGHT LOSS STALL by Di Bauer: We’ve all been there. We’re going merrily along our low carb way, losing weight, then bam! A stall. Argh. Here are some ideas for getting past it.

THE FAT FAST REALLY IS AS AWESOME AS I THOUGHT by Dana Carpender: Dana tries the Fat Fast to see what Dr. Atkins was talking about.

CAN YOU DO THE HCG DIET AND FAT FAST — AT THE SAME TIME? by Dana Carpender: The HCG protocol has been popular in the past few years. It involves not only HCG, but an ultra-low calorie diet that is also pretty low carb. But can you swap out the 500 calorie per day Simeons Protocol for a 1,000 calorie per day Fat Fast?

Best of 2012

THE SWEDISH LOW CARB STUDY— WHERE NO ONE ATE LOW CARB by Dana Carpender: You see the dire headlines, but what do those studies really mean?

THE CARBIEST GENERATION — PAYING THE PRICE FOR AN ILL-CONCEIVED EXPERIMENT by Rebecca Latham: For thirty-odd years now we’ve been getting the message to eat a low fat, low cholesterol diet. How’s that working out for us?

4 STRATEGIES FOR RESISTING TEMPTATION ON YOUR LOW CARB DIET by Laura Dolson: How to reinforce your “Won’t Power.”



BOOK REVIEWS: Our Picks Of Books Well-Worth Reading

MOVIE REVIEWS: Our Movie Picks For The Discerning Low Carber


DANA’S KITCHEN: EGGS, EGGS, EGGS, PLUS SOME HAM: Easter Brunch Classics take advantage of seasonal egg sales with these family-pleasing recipes.

FRESH & SEASONAL: PASSOVER — LOW CARB SEDER RECIPES FROM A JEWISH MAMA: Celebrate the feast without spiking your blood sugar.

BUDGET LOW CARB COOKING: FEED A FAMILY OF 4 FOR UNDER $10 Celebrate March comfort food | One-Pot-Wonder, Fish Fridays and St. Patrick’s Day meals. Susie T. Gibbs works her budget-saving kitchen magic!

10 BEST…

We show you the 10 Healthiest Fat Fast Foods


ALZHEIMER’S DEMENTIA — SHINING THE SPOTLIGHT ON COCONUT OIL & KETONES by Vicki Cash: You thought a ketogenic diet was only good for weight loss? This may be the most exciting news about ketones yet.

DANA GETS MEDICAL TESTS — WHAT A LOW CARB DIET HAS DONE TO MY BLOOD WORK: Dana’s been low carb for nearly a third of her life. What has a meat-and-egg-heavy diet done for her health?

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