Rhubarb Syrup For Pancakes Recipe

Low-Carb, Gluten-Free, Paleo Optional, Primal, Vegan, Nut-Free

This low-carb Rhubarb Syrup for Pancakes is as delicious as it is pretty. Make sure you choose rhubarb that is red rather than green. There really isn’t much of a taste difference, but red rhubarb makes a much prettier sauce. You will also want to discard the leaves as they can be poisonous. Now for my secret. If you make a thinner consistency syrup, you can also use it salad dressings, cocktails, and more. A thicker syrup also makes a great topping for low-carb ice cream.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 8


Boil the chopped rhubarb and water until the rhubarb is very soft. Strain.

Combine 1 cup of the juice with the Swerve sweetener and bring to boil, then simmer over low heat to allow it to thicken. You may add 1/2-1 teaspoon of Thick it Up if you prefer a thicker consistency.

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Per Serving: Serving Size 2 Tablespoons; 205 Calories; 2g Fat; 15 Calories from Fat; 9g Protein; 44g Carbohydrate; 18g Dietary Fiber; 125mg Sodium.

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